
Akaki Tsereteli – Dawn

In pensive thought the Holy Mount
Upon the star of morn does gaze,
As o’er the valiant hero’s grave
The star sheds soft and misty rays.

Here solemn silence reigns save that
The Mtkvari breathes in murmurs light;
The Mountain listens to the stream
As it hums to the sleeping knight.

Mtatsminda to its bosom folds
That tomb illustrious and grand,
And sends St. David fervent prayers
To shield fore’et his native land

O azure sky, O emerald earth,
I hasten to you, native strand;
I come, afflicted; ease my heart
That inly bleeds, O mother-land.

I stand entranced upon the Mount
And feel once more revived and whole.
My bosom swells, and then in song
I pour the worship of my soul.

Exiled from home I wandered on
And wept to live from you apart;
I yearned for you, to you made haste
With ardent soul and eager heart.

As I drew near, your sun and moon
Bid me glad welcome from on high;
The stars seemed conscious of my joy,
And shone the brighter in the sky.

O land of beauty and of song,
Your blossoms droop and withering sigh;
Restore them once again to life,
And dry the tears that blind the eye.

O azure sky, O emerald earth,
My one and only cherished land,
For your I live, for you I’ll die,
For you I mourn, O native strand.

Protect and bless me – living, dead;
Refuse me not your sheltering care;
And when I die, of you I beg,
To heed and listen to my prayer:

Let me be buried in a grave
Upon your bosom, native strand,
With your green turf above my breast,
Beneath your skies, O mother-land.


Social media scholar. Troublemaker. Twitter specialist. Unapologetic web evangelist. Explorer. Writer. Organizer.

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