Akaki Tsereteli – Spring
The swallow twittered, shrill and gay,
-Arriving from across the main.
“This spring!’ ‘This spring!” it called to me;
My heart with hope was filled again.
I flung my window open wide;
How changed and fair was all the world!
And cleaving to my throbbing breast,
Delight its rosy wings unfurled.
Spring’s fragrance filled the air; and I
Inhaled the sweetness, and was glad.
The future seemed so rosy that
I cried with joy: “O why be sad!”
I will attain my heart’s desire
By wintry frosts made cold and drear;
In wedlock will all nature smile,
And Hymen’s anthem will I hear.
Sweet is the essence of the rose;
The violet droops before my eye;
The nightingale her lays of love
Pours forth in thrilling melody.