
Did You Even Consider Every Possible Lived Experience Before Recklessly Posting Your Chili Recipe on Social Media?

Look, I get it. You thought what you posted was innocuous. Still, did you stop to think about everyone who has ever lived and how it could make them feel?

I know, I know—all you did was share your chili recipe, but did you consider the people who don’t like chili? The people who are vegetarians? The people without tastebuds? The people who don’t know how to turn on stoves? What about all those folks?

Not only did you share a thoughtless, cruel recipe, but you also had the audacity to call it the “best chili recipe in the world.” Really? Have you tried every chili recipe? How do you think this makes the creators of other recipes feel? How would you feel if someone said your chili wasn’t the best they’d ever had?

Oh, you’d be fine with that? People are entitled to their opinions? Well, that makes me feel pretty disregarded. Like you don’t even care what I think of your chili? Like you don’t even feel guilty completely disregarding my taste?

While we’re at it, what’s your problem with chicken soup? Why do you hate split pea soup? And what about salad? Is there a reason you didn’t mention cold food options? Do you think you’re better than other people just because you cook?

You also said your chili was the “perfect meal for cozy winter weather.” You realize that some people don’t care for the cold, right? Did you consider that some people don’t find winter all that “cozy” and might actually prefer warm weather instead? How they might not love the idea of slipping on ice? It’s not very “cozy” to have a broken leg, is it?

I mean, come on. Have you heard of this thing called the “equator” and these other two things called “hemispheres”? Don’t you know half the world is experiencing summer right now? It just feels very self-centered to be talking about loving wintertime when there are billions of people who aren’t even experiencing it right now. Plus, many people live in places where they never get snow at all. How do you think it makes them feel to see you posting about loving something they will never experience?

Oh, you only posted your recipe on your personal page, where just a few friends and family members would see it? Is there a reason you’re gatekeeping? Is there a reason you’re so incredibly selfish?

What? Now you’re gonna cry? Just because I’m pointing out your flaws? This feels like gaslighting. Like you didn’t know what you were doing when you posted something so inflammatory. And now you’re making yourself the victim.

Also, you know what? I tried your recipe. I followed it exactly. Except that I replaced the cayenne pepper with cinnamon, used water instead of broth, and used cream instead of tomato juice. But other than that, I followed your recipe to a tee.

And I’ll tell you what, it totally sucked.


Social media scholar. Troublemaker. Twitter specialist. Unapologetic web evangelist. Explorer. Writer. Organizer.

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