
Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary

A to Z Free Dream Dictionary

Dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep. They can be entertaining, fun, romantic, disturbing, frightening, and sometimes bizarre.

They are an enduring source of mystery for scientists and psychological doctors. Why do dreams occur? What causes them? Can we control them? What do they mean?

Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary

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There are currently 364 dreams in this directory beginning with the letter M.

Macaroni like most foods in dreams is a symbol of nourishment for the body. It is something in your your life that remains hard or stiff until it softens in boiling water (emotions).

To dream of mace or pepper spray is a negative dream that reflects directed anger (hot) at the dreamer. It becomes an image relating to protection and self defense.

Any sort of knife or swords in your dream represent removal or cutting away unconscious aspects in your life. The machete in your dream is a more powerful tool to cut and remove making it very symbolic. If you are attacked by a machete it shows hidden aggression that wants to detach from something. Holding a machete connects to masculine energy.

Mad Dog
Noticing a mad dog in your dream can represent your unconscious masculine behaviors, or an aggressive attack from someone close to you. Once these mad dogs chase us in our dreams it suggest you might be repressing these masculine instincts within. Mad dogs that bite are symbols of aggression; people who direct these emotions towards the dreamer.

Any sort of madness in your dream is a result of repressed emotions that are being projected in your dream. The mad man is in fact a part of you, the shadow that may have reached it’s tipping point. If you are fighting with a mad person in your dream represents your inner battle with your beliefs, emotions and your Self. If you are running or being chased by a mad man suggests you are avoiding this unconscious problem instead of facing it head on.

A Madonna is a representation of the Virgin Mary; The Mother or divine feminine energy. Dreaming of the Madonna represents purity, virginity, love, royalty, everlasting life, innocence, youth, chastity, and immortality. Possible connection to the male’s feminine archetype the anima.

Dreaming of the mafia reflects the people in your life and the control they have over your free will. A possible yearning to be more independent. If you are in the Mafia suggest that you can control others and use your power to get what you want. The mafia might be a manifestation of your shadow – the dark side of your personality that uses power to control and succeed.

, n. An inhabitant of Magdala. Popularly, a woman found out. This definition of the word has the authority of ignorance, Mary of Magdala being another person than the penitent woman mentioned by St. Luke. It has also the official sanction of the governments of Great Britain and the United States. In England the word is pronounced Maudlin, whence maudlin, adjective, unpleasantly sentimental. With their Maudlin for Magdalene, and their Bedlam for Bethlehem, the English may justly boast themselves the greatest of revisers.

To see maggots in your dream represent your anxieties about death. It may also be indicative of some issue or problem that you have been rejecting and it is now "eating away" at you. You need to confront it for it is destroying your sense of harmony and balance.

In particular, to dream that you are stepping on maggots indicate guilt and impurity. You are trying to repress your immoral thoughts or behavior. On a positive note, this dream symbolizes your resilience, persistence and your ability to bounce back from adversity.

To see black maggots in your dream mean that you are in denial about a problem. You are refusing to see the truth. If the maggots are coming out of your mouth, then it implies that you are not owning up to something you have said.

Maggots in a dream are a bad omen suggesting neglect and the negative aspects in our life. Maggots in dreams are known to be disturbingly vivid often coming out of their heads, skin, mouth or seen crawling on them. Once it comes out of the body it reflects negative usually feelings of disgust, repulsiveness, hate, or fears that remain hidden with the dreamer. A symbol that encourages the dreamer to pay attention to their thoughts, to practice mindfulness meditation to find the answer.

To perform or dream of magic suggests that you need to look at things from a different view or approach your problems from a new angle in order to successfully move forward. Alternatively, magic symbolizes creativity and wonder. Perhaps someone or something has caused you to be in awe. The dream may also be a metaphor that you or someone is "up to some trick".

To dream of black magic implies that you have obtained your wishes and wants through underhanded tricks. It also symbolizes deception, evil and treachery.

Magic Carpet
To dream of a magic carpet represents your desires to be free and escape your normal reality. Though these symbols are a form of flight and movement that brings the dreamers attention to new transitions and stages in their lives.

Magic Powers
Dreams of having magic powers is a positive omen that encourages the dreamer to explore their hidden talents. Magic itself represents transformation, change, rebirth, positive energy and happiness. If you dream of a magic wand it implies that you have the power to control, manipulate, or influence the people in your life. If you notice a Magician it can represent a trickster “one who deceives” or “pulls the wool over your eyes.” They are people of power, charm and trickery that surround you.

, n. Something acted upon by magnetism.

Magnets in life pull objects together by force, a symbol that can reflect metaphorically to what pulls you towards in your life. These types of dreams can have a both positive and negative connotations to it depending what you are pulling.

, adj. Having a grandeur or splendor superior to that to which the spectator is accustomed, as the ears of an ass, to a rabbit, or the glory of a glowworm, to a maggot.

Magnifying Glass
The dream could be a hint for you to look close at the facts before you make a decision. Your ability to see though something that will take sometime to investigate before you come up with a plan.

Magnolia in dreams are a nice positive symbol that represents happiness, joy and peace. In ancient China they felt the magnolia represented womanly beauty and gentleness. In the American South white magnolias are commonly seen in bridal bouquets.

, n. A bird whose thievish disposition suggested to someone that it might be taught to talk.

To see a magpie in your dream signifies dissatisfaction and disagreements. You need to be careful with what you say and do. Alternatively, the dream could mean that you are feeling short-changed in your relationship. You feel insecure or threatened. Consider the number of magpies in the dream and the old proverb "one for sorrow, two for mirth, three for a wedding and four for a birth."

To see a dead magpie in your dream signifies some malicious rumors.

If you dream of a maid might hints at disorganization and sorting yourself out. Maids in dreams can be seen as positive symbols that emerge to clean up aspects of your past that has disrupted your present moment. Since they clean houses, hotels or buildings it connects to the psyche or things built by the dreamer.

Receiving a letter in the mail or an email are possible messages from the unconsciousness. Depending the context and who gave sent the mail can change the meaning. They can have both negative and positive messages hidden that is unique to the dreamer. What was inside the mail? These are clues hidden for you to decode. It could also be a metaphor for ‘male’ as a mirror image.

To dream that receive mail indicates that you need to communicate or re-establish contact with someone from your present or past. It may also represent messages from your subconscious or intuition. The mail may also be a pun on a "male" in your life.

To dream that mail is lost suggests that you are feeling isolated of left out in some waking situation.

If you receive mail from someone you don't know, then it symbolizes a message from your subconscious.

Seeing a mailbox represents sending and receiving communication. Think about what you want to communicate and to whom. If the mailbox is either full or empty brings your attention to a need to reach out.

The mailman is a metaphor for the one who brings you information or messages. They might be guides bringing you news, secret information disclosed for your eyes only.

, n. The state and title of a king. Regarded with a just contempt by the Most Eminent Grand Masters, Grand Chancellors, Great Incohonees and Imperial Potentates of the ancient and honorable orders of republican America.

Make Up
Usually when you dream of putting on makeup suggest that you are trying to cover something up. It might suggest masking or hiding up aspects of yourself imperfection that you don’t want others to see.

To dream that you are applying makeup suggests that you are trying to cover up or conceal an aspect of yourself. Alternatively, it indicates that you are putting on your best face forward. You are trying to enhance your self-image and increase your sense of self-confidence. The dream may also be a metaphor that you need to "make up" with someone. It is time to forgive and forget.

To dream that you are wearing too much makeup indicates that you are putting too much emphasis on beauty and outside appearances rather than what is inside.

, n. The chief factor in the progress of the human race.

Malls are enigmatic symbols that tend to contain different interpretations depending the dreamer. The fact that some people like malls while others detest them will alter the meaning of the dream. If you associate malls with consumerism and greed than the dream might be hinting at these feelings emerging in your life. Though, most people see the mall as fun, entertaining, security or rewards that seems to be reflected in your life. When the mall appears to be empty, closed or abandoned in your dream it could reflect your insecurities, choices, and wants or desires to obtain.

, n.pl. A family of vertebrate animals whose females in a state of nature suckle their young, but when civilized and enlightened put them out to nurse, or use the bottle.

There are many theories about who this man you have never met in your walking life could represent. Some claim the man that appears might be connected to your past life, while others say this man could be your could be your soul mate.

To see a man in your dream denotes the aspect of yourself that is assertive, rational, aggressive, and/or competitive. Perhaps you need to incorporate these aspects into your own character. If the man is known to you, then the dream may reflect you feelings and concerns you have about him.

If you are a woman and dream that you are in the arms of a man, then it suggests that you are accepting and welcoming your stronger assertive personality. It may also highlight your desires to be in a relationship and your image of the ideal man.

To see an old man in your dream represents wisdom or forgiveness. The old man may be a archetypal figure who is offering guidance to some daily problem.

, n. The immortal parts of dead Greeks and Romans. They were in a state of dull discomfort until the bodies from which they had exhaled were buried and burned; and they seem not to have been particularly happy afterward.

Dreaming of a mango or mango tree are very powerful dream omens that will bring you future luck and abundance. The mango connects to our sexual desires, erotic fantasies, sweetness, new beginnings in our life.

If your dreaming about getting a manicure done on your hands means that your feeling good about yourself. It’s possible that all your hard work is now paying off.

, n. A food miraculously given to the Israelites in the wilderness. When it was no longer supplied to them they settled down and tilled the soil, fertilizing it, as a rule, with the bodies of the original occupants.

Dreaming of a mannequin might suggest you are a dummy on display for people. Mannequin could be the people in your life that lacks personality, motionless, or a need to show off in front of others. Once attacked by a mannequin it may connect to your own unconscious personality traits that are stiff and boring.

Mansions are very symbolic dreams like houses that represent a part of the mind – a powerful and rich structure built connected to finance, consciousness, knowledge and ego. How the mansion is displayed becomes a mirror image of what is behind the scenes in your mind. Positive dreams are often related to inheriting or seeing a luxurious mansion as it shows a powerful inner drive that reaches for success. A haunted mansion reflects an unconscious disturbance in your mind that relates to success or image. Dreaming of a mansion with many rooms is a very positive omen that represents new opportunities, growth and development in their lives.

Manta Ray
Unlike the stingray the manta ray emerges in our dream as a false warning. A symbol that connects with the unconscious part of your emotions that are not fully understood.

Maps in your dreams are positive symbols from your higher self that has come in to guide you along your life’s journey. If you are buying a map it represents a new path will be mapped out in your life. To dream of an old map suggest a need to go back to your past to find your way.

If you dream about running a marathon represents hard work that will help you achieve your goals. The idea of running from start to finish mirrors aspects in your job, goals or relationships. Alternatively, this challenge reflects a struggle you need to endure to get ahead. The place and emotions expressed reflects something that you are working on.

Dreaming of smoking Marijuana means that you need to escape from the daily stresses of life. A possible desire to reach a stage of higher consciousness. If you smoke weed in real life and dream about it suggest that you come to terms with your problems.

When we dream of a market suggest that you are lacking the basic needs in life. If you are lacking love and support we usually dream of being in a market.

Marriages are positive dream symbols that represent commitment, harmony, balance or transitions in your life. Marriage is symbolic because it is both a natural institution and a sacred union because it is rooted in the divine plan of creation. However, the dream meaning can change depending on the mood, gender and context of the dream. Marriage dreams might act as a metaphor reflecting some type of unity or alliance that you experience with someone in your life. Alternatively, it could be the integration between the masculine and feminine within.

Mars is the planet of outward activity and animal passion including our sexual instincts, aggression, and anger. Mars brings energy into living matter and grants an enterprising spirit, stamina, courage and daring. Mars is known as the “Red Planet” and is associated with fiery passion. The energy of Mars is primarily focused on the existence. Mars is the counterpart of Venus: war and peace, hatred and love.

, n. One who moves along the line of least reluctance to a desired death.

Masks in dreams are often seen as symbols of protection that cover your true self. Masks are powerful dream symbols that provides insight to aspects of their personality that remains unconscious. The mask or persona that we present to the world is known to protect that shields the ego from negative elements. According to Carl Jung its symbolic nature is designed to make impression on society, or to cover up and conceal the true nature of the individual.

(Covid 19) To dream of a surgical mask represents protection from outside negative influence. Due to covid dreams of forgetting your mask is a symbol of anxiousness and not being prepared.

Massacres are vivid dark dream images that connect to the shadow side of the dreamer. Repressed anger and fear is the driving force of these dreams – bottling up these emotions might result in explosive anger. A symbol that encourages the dreamer to explore their negative thoughts, motives and behaviors that are causing frustration in your life.

When we have dreams about masturbation means that we like to make things happen in life for your own pleasure. You might be self pleasing yourself hinting at narcissism. It is also possible that you can be sexually frustrated, or need to spend more time to your own needs.

Matches are symbolic as it is attached to fire. Fire symbolize destruction, passion, desire, illumination, purification, transformation, enlightenment, or anger. If you have the ability to light something up the location and what you are lighting is a clue.

Noticing a mattress in your bedroom connects us to relationships, safety and security. According to Carl Jung he feels that Jung sees the mattresses as representing a marriage; unity of two people. Though in our dreams we tend to see mattress dirty or unclean that reflects the dreamers mind – a symbol to clean up aspects of their relationships. If the mattress is wet in your dream it relates to embarrassing situations that will trigger your emotions. If you are moving a mattress it suggests movement and change.

, n. The final and funniest folly of the rich.

Dreaming that you are in a maze represents trying to get out of a tough situation in your life. The complicated irregular network of passages or paths connect with the situation you are faced with. Mazes are very symbolic ancient archetypal dreams relating to confusion from your past life experiences. If you are being chased in the maze it shows confusing and complications trying to get out of a situation in your life.

, pro. The objectionable case of I. The personal pronoun in English has three cases, the dominative, the objectionable and the oppressive. Each is all three.


To see meals in your dream suggest that you are dwelling too much on trivial matters, causing your attention to be diverted from important issues. Alternatively, you may be lacking spiritual enrichment and sensual expression.

*See Also Eating.


To see mealworms in your dream indicates that you are hungering for a new experience.


To dream that someone is being mean to you suggests that you are being too hard on yourself. You need to give yourself a break. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are looking for "meaning" or significance to some life issue.

To dream that you are uncharacteristically mean to someone represents some negative feelings that you are not expressing in your waking life. Instead they are manifesting in your dream where you are more comfortable in expressing how you really feel. Dreams provide a safe outlet.


To dream that you have measles indicate that your problems and worrying are affecting your educational or professional pursuits.

To see others with measles in your dream denotes that the problems of others are becoming your own problems. It is giving you much stress and worry.


To see or dream about your measurements indicate that you are setting standards for yourself or of what you think others expect of you. How are you measuring up? Perhaps you need to stop comparing yourself to others.

Tape What are you measuring? Is that item too big or small for you. Dreaming of measuring tape represents that you are comparing yourself to others. You may feel a bit insecure and trying to ‘measure up’ to somebody.

Measuring Tape

To see or use a measuring tape in your dream suggests that you are comparing yourself to others. The dream may be a metaphor on how you "measure up" to others. Or you are taking certain measures in order to accomplish something. Perhaps you are experiencing some self-doubt or that you are not good enough.


To see raw meat in your dream represents obstacles and discouragements that you will come across as you move toward achieving your goals. Alternatively, it may reflect your untamed, animalistic nature and raw emotions.

To eat or cook meat in your dream suggests that you are getting to the heart of the matter. You are recognizing and utilizing your instinctual energies. Alternatively, you are seeing others achieve what you are still striving for.

To see rotten meat in your dream refers to a degradation of your physical and psychological being. The dream may be a metaphor for some health problems.

If eating horsemeat is not accepted in your culture, then the dream refers to a situation where you do not want to know details about. If you enjoy eating horsemeat, then it implies that you are open to difference experiences. If eating horsemeat is culturally accepted for you, then the dream has the same significance as eating meat.


To make meatballs in your dream indicate that a new idea is forming or a new project is taking shape.

To see or eat meatballs in your dream represent familiarity, ease, and comfort. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on an awkward, dull or socially inept person.


To see a mechanic in your dream suggests that you need to work on healing your past hurts and trauma.

Mechanical Bull

To see or ride a mechanical bull in your dream is analogous to your sex life. Perhaps it has become routine or devoid of emotion and passion.


To see a medal in your dream signifies a reward or an acknowledgement of your hard work. You are being recognized for your abilities and talents.

, n. A small metal disk given as a reward for virtues, attainments or services more or less authentic. It is related of Bismark, who had been awarded a medal for gallantly rescuing a drowning person, that, being asked the meaning of the medal, he replied: "I save lives sometimes." And sometimes he didn't.


*Please See Press.


To dream that you are taking medicine represents a period of emotional and/or spiritual healing. It also indicates that the troubles you are experiencing are only temporary. Things will work out in the long run.

To dream that you are giving medicine to someone indicates that you are trying to take advantage of a situation or of someone. If you are given the wrong medication, then you are being manipulated. Someone is trying to take advantage of you.

If you dream of medicine it implies finding a solution to one of your problems in life. If you are taking medicine it is a positive symbol of inner transformation and spiritual healing. If someone is giving you medicine represents the situations and things in our live that make you change your perspective on matters.

Medicine Cabinet

To see your medicine cabinet in your dream represents a period of healing.

To dream that the medicine cabinet is empty suggests concerns over your well-being. You are neglecting your emotional, mental and/or spiritual health.

Medicine Man

To see a traditional medicine man in your dream refers to your strong support system. You have friends and family who will help you to achieve to highest goals.


To dream of Medieval times represents old habits/attitudes and old ways of thinking. It is important to analyze the activities that occur in the dream, so that you can figure out what aspect of yourself or your life needs updating. For example, jousting refers to your need to spice up your sex life.


To dream that you are meditating represents self-acceptance and enlightenment. It also suggests that you need to be less judgmental on others and not be so hard on yourself.


To dream that you are a medium indicates that you are getting in touch with your intuitive side. You are more sensitive to your instincts and in how your perceive things. It also suggests increased knowledge of your subconscious. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are standing in middle ground. You are non-committal about a situation. Perhaps you are being too indecisive.


To see Medusa in your dream signifies cunningness and terror. Alternatively, the dream may imply that you are draining all the energy out of others. You are burdening others with your problems and putting a strain on the relationship.


To see a meerkat in your dream suggests that you are protected against some negativity in your life.


To dream that you are in a meeting suggests that you need to redirect your energies toward a more productive endeavor. Alternatively, the dream means that you are learning to accept various aspects of yourself and integrating them into your personality.

To dream that you are late or miss a meeting signifies anxieties that you are not measuring when it comes to achieving your goals. You may unprepared in some situation or challenge in your waking life.

Meeting someone famous
Usually every celebrity or famous person you know is linked with SOMETHING. Let’s say you dream about a famous comedian, maybe it’s saying you want to be more confident or even funnier?Or if you dream about a famous athlete, it could suggest you want to become an athlete. It’s usually linked to what the person is famous FOR except when it’s a sex dream in which case it’s pure desire.

Meeting someone famous
We all want to meet our idols. I’ve had several dreams about meeting famous people from musicians to speakers to even historical figures. It’s a common dream because we often think about these things. Famous people are famous because they captivate peoples attention so they’re in your mind. The things we think about often become what we dream about (among other things). So for lots of people celebrity dreams are very common.


To dream that you are using a megaphone indicates that you need to be more vocal and expressive about your feelings. Speak up and express yourself. Perhaps you feel that you are being overlooked and feel that your voice is not being heard.


To dream that you are feeling melancholy signifies disappointments. You have to remember that you cannot always win at everything. All you can do is learn from past disappointments. The dream may be a reflection of how you are feeling in your waking life.

To see someone who is melancholy in your dream represents your inability to connect with others. You are feeling withdrawn and distant.


To see or eat a melon in your dream indicates that you need to relax and take it easy. Alternatively, the dream signifies fertility, sensuality, gluttony or vitality. Melons may also be a metaphor for breasts.

Due to its round shape these symbolic fruits emerge to show inner completeness, wholeness and prosperity. Many say that this is a symbol that connects with love and joy that surrounds us in our lives; the seeds that are contained inside tell us about growth or fertility. The honeydew melon suggests that your hard work will pay off.


To see melting ice or snow signifies that you are letting go or releasing negative and cold emotions that you have been holding onto. You are warming up to a situation.

Melting is a positive symbol which is the stage before undergoing some sort of inner transformation. A symbol implying the process of warming (heat or sun) that melts away non moving or stuck emotional states; ice melting shows an ending of negative or stuck states. Depending what image is melted will alter the meaning of the dream. However if you dream of your skin or face melting it becomes a negative symbol relating to surface impressions, image or what you display to others is falling apart. Teeth that melt represent losing strength and power in your life. If you notice that your phone is melting it relates to an inability to communicate or connect with others. Melting gold is a positive symbol that suggests a changing of states within the dreamer; masculine or sun a symbol of inner transformation. If you notice ice cream melting it suggest you are not seizing the moment to enjoy something at the right time. If you notice a melting candle it represents time, fears, illumination, lack of confidence , core of your existence, spiritually and depression (darkness). How you felt in the dream will either indicate a positive or negative meaning. If you notice chocolate melting it represents childhood pleasures, rewards or punishments.


To dream that you are reading or making a memoranda suggests that there is an important message that you need to convey. There is something that you need to let others know.

To see someone make a memorandum in your dream indicates that you will be called upon to for some assistance in a matter.


To see a memorial in your dream indicates the need for kindness and compassion. The dream may also suggests that you need to confront the past in order to move forward.


To dream about a memory suggests that you are ready to rid yourself of your old ways and undergo a transformation. You are ready for a new outlook in life. Recalling a memory in your dream may also be less of a shock then if you had recalled the memory in your waken state. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you have learned from your past experiences.

To dream that your memory is getting or has been erased means that you must let go of the past in order to move forward with your life. You are stuck in an unhealthy cycle.

Memory Stick

To see a memory stick in your dream refers to ideas and advice that you need to look at incorporating into a waking situation or some aspect of your life. The dream also indicates your ability to easily convey your feelings, beliefs or ideas to others. Consider what kind of files are on the memory stick.


To see men in your dream represent an authoritative figure or a father figure. If you are a woman and dream that you are in a room full of men, then it highlights the masculine aspect of yourself. The dream forces you to acknowledge your authoritative and aggressive side. Consider also how the men are dressed as this will provide a clue as to what area in your life you need to assert more power.

If you are a man and dream that there are only men at a party suggests that you are questioning your abilities. You fear that you are being overlooked or not measuring up to others. Or perhaps you are also expressing desires of blending in and not standing out.

*Please Also See Man.


To dream that you are at a menagerie symbolizes problems that need to be dealt with more directly. Otherwise, your problems will multiply exponentially.

, adj. Addicted to rhetoric.


To see mendicants in your dream signify interruptions in your plans.


To dream that you are mending a garment symbolizes your attempts and efforts at fixing a problem.


To dream about menopause suggests that you are smothering the people around you. You need to be less codependent.


To see a Menorah in your dream represents the seven days of the week. It is also symbolic of the sun, the moon, and the five main planets. Alternatively, it symbolizes beauty, strength, and wisdom. This dream imagery may also be a reflection of your religious faith.

If you are from Jewish faith and dream about a Menorah implies that gifts will be coming your way in the next 7 days. The Menorah symbolizes the 7 days of creation, with the Sabbath represented by the central lamp. The lamp is an important dream symbol that contains the divine lamp within. It might also represent the 7 planets; Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Moon.


To dream of menstruation indicates that you are releasing your pent-up tension and worry. It signals an end to the difficult times and the beginning of relaxation. Some creative energy is being released or recognized. Alternatively, the dream means that you are denying your feminine side.

If you are in menopause and dream that you are menstruating, then the dream signifies renewed vitality.

In particular, dreaming of their menstrual cycle when it is not time yet may indicate your anxiety about your cycle. It may sometimes signal an early or unexpected period. Studies have also shown that more vivid dreams seem to coincide with a woman's menstrual cycle. Dreams about being pregnant, giving birth, or motherhood occur more often while a woman is ovulating. If you are pregnant and dream that you have your period, then it is a reminder that you need to take things slow.

To dream that you are consuming menstrual blood suggests that you are stuck in a cycle. You are holding on to the past and refusing to move onto something productive.

Dreaming that you are pretending to be on your period suggests that you are pretending that everything is okay when it is not. You are trying to put up a happy facade in order to avoid confrontation.

**See The Meaning In Action: "Menstruation"

These dreams might be a metaphor for things coming in a full circle; hinting at completeness or end. However, fears of missing it or being late this symbol might show up. There have been many studies before women get pregnant they dream about their menstrual cycle.

Mental Institution

To dream that you are in a mental institution indicates a need for rest and a need to reset your mind. Don't be afraid to ask for help/assistance when you need it.

To dream that you are outside a mental institution suggests that you are feeling ostracized or shunned. You may be close to a mental breakdown. Or you are feeling left out, excluded, and ignored.

Challenged To see somebody who is handicapped in your dream might be a reflection of inability in your life. Deformed, not straight or challenged in some way in your life; inwardly or outwardly.

Mentally Challenged

To dream that you are mentally challenged indicates that you are experiencing feelings of self-doubt. You are afraid of being left out or left behind.

To see a mentally challenged person in your dream suggests that someone around you is feeling ignored or overlooked. Perhaps you have failed to listen to what they have to say and as a result are alienating them.


*Please See Teacher.


To see a menu in your dream indicates that you are seeking some spiritual or emotional nourishment. Consider the type of items that were on the menu and the costs to determine how much value you are placing on each item.


To hear meowing in your dream signifies neediness. You are seeking attention.

Mercedes Benz

To see Mercedes Benz in your dream symbolizes status, wealth, luxury and prestige. The dream could also be a metaphor for someone who is named Mercedes.


To see mercury in your dream represents quick movement. You need to speak up first and think it through later. Trust your intuition.

To see the planet Mercury in your dream symbolizes alertness, awareness, open communication, reason, and versatility. The dream may indicate your need to exhibit some of these qualities in your waking life. You are exhibiting efficiency in your work.

, n. An attribute beloved of detected offenders.


To eat or make a meringue in your dream indicates that a relationship is lacking substance. It is all for show. Alternatively, dreaming about a meringue dessert is a symbol of your tenacity and work ethic.


To see a mermaid in your dream signifies the female aspect of yourself that is mysterious, vulnerable and secretive. It may also show a fear of sex. In particular, for a man to dream of a mermaid indicates that he is having fears of being drowned by the feminine aspect of his psyche. For a woman, it suggests doubts over her femininity.

To dream about a shelled necklace with the word "mermaid" etched on it indicates that you are not letting your vulnerabilities show through. You are putting on a tough facade. Alternatively, the mermaid may symbolize something very personal to you.

They are connected with enchantment, entreating sailors with beguiling beauty, grace and mesmerizing melodies. A myth that has the ability to seduce and charming. A male who dreams of a mermaid could be linked to the anima archetype that suggest the inner feminine in the male. The female who dreams of a mermaid might be associated with her shadow, the repressed side of the dreamer.


To see a merman in your dream indicates a need to belong and to be part of something. Alternatively, a merman represents some message from your subconscious.


To dream that you are merry reflects your waking happiness. Alternatively, the dream may be a compensatory dream and is often a dream of the contrary. You may be trying to compensate for the sadness or stress in your waking life. Being merry may also be a pun on "marriage". by DreamMoods.com


To dream that you are on a merry-go-round indicates a fear of reliving your childhood. You feel that you are going nowhere or in a state of stagnation. Or you may be expressing some anxiety about your transition into adulthood. Alternatively, it suggests that you are in the beginning stages of romantic love.

To see a merry-go-round in your dream represents childish joy.


To see something made of mesh in your dream suggests that you are feeling trapped. It is synonymous with a web. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun and your ability to "mesh" various aspects of your life together.


To see a mess in your dream symbolizes the state of your waking life. You need to get your life in order.

Mess Hall

To dream that you are in a mess hall suggests that have a disciplined view toward food. Perhaps you are on a diet. Alternatively, there are some issues or feelings that are eating up inside you.



To dream that you are sending a message suggests that there is an important message that you need to convey and let others know.

To dream that you are receiving a message represents a message from your subconscious.

Dreaming that you write a message and then delete it before sending it means that there is something you want to get off your chest but are afraid of what others think or how you will be perceived. You tend to over think things.

*Please see also Letter.


To see metal in your dream signifies strength and character. It may also symbolize the inhumane side of society. Consider the exact type and shape of metal and what you are doing with it. In particular, if the metal is solid, then it represents your libido and sexual desire.

Metal Detector
When we dream of a metal detector means that you might detect something in you. This might be a metaphoric dream to do with the internal part of you.

Metal Detector

To see or use a metal detector in your dream indicates that you are in search of your inner strength or are trying to connect with your subconscious. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are looking for that hidden talent and potential within yourself. You want to recapture something that you have lost, but once valued or cherished.


To see or dream that you are a metalhead refers to your defiant and non-conformist attitude. You are feeling out of touch with society. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are being "hard headed" or stubborn.


To see or listen to Metallica in your dream represents your independent nature and your tendency to reflect on your thoughts alone. Alternatively, the dream may be trying to convey a message or some advice from one of their songs.


To see a metamorphosis take place in your dream denotes sudden and rapid changes in your personal life. The metamorphosis helps to draw attention to two different aspects of your life. If the metamorphosis is a smooth one, then it indicates some changes are necessary for you to adapt to a new situation. However, if the metamorphosis is a complicated and unpleasant one, then it suggests that you are ill prepared for the changes in your life.


To see a meteor in your dream suggests that you will experience success in a project. You are on your way toward realizing your goals and desires. Alternatively, the meteor refers to wishful thinking and idealistic thoughts.

To see a meteor shower in your dream signifies romantic thoughts and idealistic notions.


If the meteor or asteroid turns into a shooting star in your dream it represents your prayer or wish will come true. Shooting stars or a meteor shower can be considered a positive omen in dream – wish upon a falling star, something that will come true. Perhaps the universe is hearing your thoughts and granting you a wish.

, n. A stronghold of provincialism.


To dream of Mexico or of a Mexican person represents the preservation of tradition, family, faith and culture. It also refers to a hard-working mindset. If you are from Mexico or have been to Mexico, then the dream may have a more personal symbolism for you. Consider your own feelings about the country.



To dream that you are on the mezzanine represents your middle class status. You have your sights on the upper echelon of society and are yearning to move ahead.

Mice are considered bad omens signifying pestering thoughts, negative forces or fears in your life. Mice show up as a warning that relates to your insides and outside world. Positive omens are when the mice leave the house, found dead or trapped.


To see mice in your dream indicates that you are spending too much time dwelling on minor problems and insignificant matters.

To see mice feeding or eating in your dream suggests that someone is trying to bring down your self-confidence. Someone may be nipping away at your resources.

*Please Also See Mouse.

Mickey Mouse

To see Mickey Mouse in your dream signifies the magic and joy of childhood. It is time to go back to a period where you can be more carefree.


To see a microchip in your dream symbolizes your identity or someone else's identity.

Dreaming that you are being implanted with a microchip means that your every move is being scrutinized.


To see a microphone in your dream suggests that you need to be more assertive and forceful. You need to voice your opinions more strongly and make your views known. The microphone may also be a pun on someone in your life who is named "Mike".


To see a microscope in your dream suggests that you need to take a closer look at some situation. Something that may seemingly be insignificant may actually be causing much troubles or hindrances.

This is a great dream symbol that you should pay attention too. Your unconscious is hinting that something should be examined in your life by a fine microscope.


To see a microwave in your dream represents your quick thinking and quick-action. You need to consider new and better way of doing things.

To dream that you are cleaning the microwave suggests that you need to clear your mind and free yourself of certain emotions that are weighing you down. Alternatively, the dream may mean that it is time to make some dietary changes in your waking life.

If you are a midget in your dream suggests that you feel insignificant in life; something that is half your size or not remaining whole.


** Please refer to Little Person.


To dream that it is midnight indicates that you need to face reality.


To see or dream that you are a midwife represents your role in the birth of some new project. You are playing an important part in this project.


To see mildew in your dream symbolizes neglected feelings and emotions that you are unwilling to confront. It is time to bring those feelings to the surface and work through them.


To see the military in your dream signifies rigid authority and emotional repression. Perhaps you need to be more disciplined

If you have served with the military, then this dream may represent your actual life experiences and memories.

Military dreams are our way of telling us that we need some type of order in our lives. A symbol of inner and outer conflict that needs organization. If you dream of military training it is a positive omen represents working towards or fixing a conflict that has been out of control for some time. Military is a strict structure that demands your full attention. Does this sound familiar to your work, relationships or mental?

Military Base

To dream that you are on a military base represents a situation where you are feeling restricted or repressed. You are so focused on your responsibilities that you are neglecting your own feelings and needs.

Military Camp

*Please See Boot Camp.

Milk is very symbolic in dreams as it brings our awareness to mother earth. This is the symbol of power, nurturing, fertility, protection and feminine instincts. Dreaming of drinking milk indicate of good health and health improvements. Similar to breast milk this is the nourishment of the feminine or mother nature.If the milk is spoiled in your dream it suggests you are not nurturing the right parts of the unconscious feminine. Milk from a cow is considered sacred bringing you protection from the gods. In Hinduism, milk is connected to the divine and therefore be protected and venerated. The cow has also been associated with various deities such as Shiva. Millions of Hindus revere and worship cows as a sacred animal as it provides life sustaining milk.


To see milk in your dream symbolizes maternal instincts and motherly love. It also denotes human kindness, wholesomeness, and compassion. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that someone is "milking" you, either emotionally or financially.

To dream that you are drinking milk signifies domestic bliss and inner nourishment. It may also imply that you need to strengthen your ties and relationships with others. If the milk is spoiled, sour, impure or bad tasting, then it suggests that you need to hold back your support. You may be too trusting and need to question the motives of others. If the milk is hot, then it represents comfort and calmness.

To spill milk in your dream symbolizes a loss of faith, opportunity, and trust.

To dream that you are bathing in milk indicates that you are surrounded by strong relationships and solid friendships. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are in need of some relaxation.

To dream that you are choking on milk indicates that you are being overprotected. You may be feeling smothered in some relationship.


To dream that you are milking a cow signifies that great opportunities are being put before you, but still out of your reach. Through perseverance, you will win out in the end. Alternatively, the dream could also be a metaphor for "being milked" or used.

If you dream that you are milking a cow suggests milking someone or something. Milking can also represent that you are the one being milked. If you watch somebody else milk the cow means that you are the one being taken for a ride.

If you see or drink a milkshake in your dream imply s that you are not very happy with the direction of your life. At this given moment your life feels shook up a bit. Somebody who is very close to you my be overwhelming at times.


To drink a milkshake in your dream indicates satisfaction with how your life is going. It is also symbolic of togetherness, social bonding, and simplistic fun. Alternatively, a milkshake signifies a memory for your childhood.


To see a mill in your dream suggests that you are able to learning from your past experiences and applying them to your current problems and situations. Alternatively, it symbolizes a transformation.

If you ever dream about a mill means that you are improving with your social skills. Still remain mature and don’t let the small things get to you. A mill represents transformation so good things are ready to come your way, just be patient.


To see a miller in your dream represents a spiritual force in your life.

To dream of meeting a millionaire connects the material wealth and gain, or relates to the egos wants and desires. An image that might make you question if money means everything to you. Women who dream of a millionaire might be connected to their inner masculine or what Jung referenced to as the animus.

Depending the context millions can go either way. For a dream to win a million dollars represents good luck and fortune coming their way. To dream of million of ants represents hard work, structure and organization to get things done. If you notice million of spiders represents the creative, mother, feminine and negative emotions.

Millipedes or centipedes have a duel meaning attached to it. However the dreamer interacts with it whether it is positive or negative will alter the meaning. Sometimes it may connect the dreamer to ward off bad luck as its the bringer of fortune. While at other times relates to unconscious fears that tend to creep up fast.


To see a millipede in your dream indicates that you are letting fears prevent you from achieving your goals. You are experiencing a major setback in life. Alternatively, the dream is symbolic of harmony and cooperation. You are a team player and work well with others.


To see or use a millstone in your dream represents some burden in your waking life. You are feeling worn out.


To see or dream that you are a mime suggests that you are having difficulties verbally communicating your thoughts and feelings across. Others around you may not understand your erratic behavior. You are trying to make light of how you really feel. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you need to think carefully before speaking. The dream may be depicting how you saying one thing, but you actually mean something else. Your actions are speaking louder than your words.


To dream that you are mimicking someone indicates that you are lacking your own identity. Alternatively, the dream means that you are trying too hard to live up to the expectations of others. You are being someone who you are not.


To see a minaret in your dream symbolizes devotion, obedience, and spiritual enlightenment.

, n. A mysterious form of matter secreted by the brain. Its chief activity consists in the endeavor to ascertain its own nature, the futility of the attempt being due to the fact that it has nothing but itself to know itself with. From the Latin mens, a fact unknown to that honest shoe-seller, who, observing that his learned competitor over the way had displayed the motto "Mens conscia recti," emblazoned his own front with the words "Men's, women's and children's conscia recti."


To dream that you are in a mine suggests that you are getting to the core of an issue or condition. Alternatively, it indicates that something from your subconscious is coming to the surface. The dream may also be a metaphor to claim what is "mine".

Mine Shaft

To see or dream that you are in a mine shaft symbolizes the depth of your subconscious. It is time to address all the feelings you have suppressed.


To dream that you are in a minefield represents the many difficulties that you are facing in your waking life. You are worried about how to tackle and resolve your problems. Don't be afraid to reach out for advice and for help.


To see minerals in your dream signify a bright outlook. Things may look bleak or dark now, but things will look up.

Mineral Water

To dream that you are drinking mineral water means that you will have a solid foundation needed to enjoy your taste for the finer things in life.


To see miniatures in your dream indicate that you are feeling larger than life. You are experiencing new found confidence and self esteem. Consider what is being miniaturized. If it is someone you know who is miniaturized, then it means that you lack respect for them. You do not think much of this person. If you are the one that appears as a miniature, then it suggests that you are feeling unworthy, helpless, insignificant or overshadowed.


To see or dream that you are a minister suggest that you need to be more compassionate and understanding in some situation or relationship. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you have overstep your boundaries and into another's rights. If the dream has negative overtones, then the minister may be a symbol of repressed thoughts and feelings.

, n. An agent of a higher power with a lower responsibility. In diplomacy and officer sent into a foreign country as the visible embodiment of his sovereign's hostility. His principal qualification is a degree of plausible inveracity next below that of an ambassador.


To see or drive a minivan in your dream symbolizes family gatherings and family values. You may be experiencing the burdens and responsibilities involved with taking care and providing for a family. Alternatively, the minivan represents conservatism. You are settled down.


To see a mink in your dream symbolizes value, warmth, riches, or luxury. It also represents your understanding of your subconscious and its motivation.


To see a minotaur in your dream denotes a union between your intelligence and your instincts. Alternatively, the dream refers to a situation in your waking life which may be larger than you can handle. You are feeling overwhelmed.


To see a minstrel in your dream indicates the start of some new journey or life path.

, adj. Formerly a poet, singer or musician; now a nigger with a color less than skin deep and a humor more than flesh and blood can bear.


To smell or taste mint in you dream suggests that there is a calming influence in your life. You may be too overexcited or hyperactive and need to relax. Alternatively, the dream refers to a situation or relationship that you need to soothe over. Perhaps it is time to make amends.

To eat a breath mint in your dream indicates that you are trying to phrase your thoughts in a way that is going to be presentable or more palatable. Alternatively, a breath mint may mean that you have said something that has offended someone.


To see a minuet in your dream signifies pleasant surroundings and joyous friendships.

To dream that you are dancing in a minuet indicates domestic bliss and prosperity.


To see a miracle in your dream suggests that you are goal-oriented and plan for the future. You have a lot of confidence in your accomplishments.


To see a mirage in your dream represents your disillusionment. What you think is true about others may turn out to be the contrary.


To dream that you are going through a mire signifies a minor interruption in your plans.

Mirrors are very symbolic in our dreams as it connects with inner reflection. However, most of what is seen can scare the dreamer because many things about their personality remain unconscious to them. A negative omens are often associated with broken or cracked mirrors representing loss or damage.


To dream of your own reflection in the mirror suggests that you are pondering thoughts about your inner self. The reflection in the mirror is how you perceive yourself or how you want others to see you. You may be contemplating on strengthening and changing aspects of your character.

To dream that you do not see your reflection in a mirror implies that you have lost your self-identity. Perhaps you have changed for the benefit of others that you don't know who you are anymore.

To dream that you are looking through a two-way mirror indicates that you are coming face to face with some inner or worldly issue. What you see is related to your persona and subconscious. Seeing images through the mirror may be a safe way for you to consider and/or confront material from your subconscious. Mirrors symbolize the imagination and the link between the conscious and subconscious.

If you are being watched through a two-way mirror, then it suggests that you feel you are being scrutinized and criticized. Alternatively, the dream means that you are unwilling to acknowledge your subconscious emotions.

To see a mirror in your dream symbolizes a loved one or good friend. Dreaming about a mirror is also symbolic of the truth.

To break a mirror in your dream suggests that you are breaking an old image of yourself. You may be putting an end to an old habit. Breaking a mirror is also an old symbol for seven years of bad luck.

To see a cracked or broken mirror in your dream. represents a poor or distorted self-image. Alternatively, it means that you have put an end to your old habits and ways.

To see a fogged mirror in your dream signifies a hazy concept of who you are and confusion in your life goals. You are lacking clarity and purpose and questioning your self-identity.

*Please see also Reflection.

Mirror Room

To dream that you are in a mirror room suggests that you are losing your sense of self and identity. You are feeling lost and do not know which way you are going.


To dream that you have a miscarriage suggests that some idea or plan did not go as expected. The dream may also serve as a warning against your continued course of action. You need to alter your path or risk losing something of significance and value to you. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you have been wronged in some way.

If you are currently pregnant, then dreams of miscarriages are common in the second trimester of pregnancy.


To dream about a miscommunication indicates waking difficulties in expressing yourself and in getting your point across. You are suffering from feelings of inadequacy.

, n. A person of the highest degree of unworth. Etymologically, the word means unbeliever, and its present signification may be regarded as theology's noblest contribution to the development of our language.


To see or dream that you are a miser indicates a low sense of self-worth. You may be limiting yourself and not recognizing your full potential and the resources that are available to you.

, n. A dagger which in mediaeval warfare was used by the foot soldier to remind an unhorsed knight that he was mortal.


To dream that you are mispronouncing words indicates that you are experiencing some nervousness or excitement about a situation.

To hear words being mispronounced in you dream suggests that you heard something that you wished you didn't hear in the first place. It also points to denial or some misunderstanding. Also onsider the significance of the word being mispronounced.

, n. The title with which we brand unmarried women to indicate that they are in the market. Miss, Missis (Mrs.) and Mister (Mr.) are the three most distinctly disagreeable words in the language, in sound and sense. Two are corruptions of Mistress, the other of Master. In the general abolition of social titles in this our country they miraculously escaped to plague us. If we must have them let us be consistent and give one to the unmarried man. I venture to suggest Mush, abbreviated to Mh.


*Please See Deformed.


To see or be attacked by a missile in your dream represents feelings of helplessness and forces beyond your control. Alternatively, a missile may indicate insecurities about sex.


To dream that you are missing something denotes a sense of being out of control and being disorganized.

Dreaming that someone is missing represents some unresolved issues or feelings pertaining to the missing person. Consider what aspect of that person you are missing within your own self. Alternatively, the dream may be on pun that you are missing her or him.

Missing a bus or flight
Missing a flight or a ride is something that annoys you. When you miss a flight you’re panicking, stressed and you feel like you’ve not got any control over the situation. This reflected the meaning perfectly, it’s all about control.If you dream about missing a flight it means that you don’t feel like you’re in control of your life or a given situation. It’s good for this one to remember that there are some things you just can’t control, and you shouldn’t stress about.

Missing a limb!
Our limbs, are IMPORTANT to us in a big way. Without them our life wouldn’t be the same. To dream about amputation or missing a limb can mean that you’re scared of missing out on something important, or you’re worried about losing something that’s important to you.

Missing Flight
These dreams suggest you are not ready nor prepared in your personal life to reach the next stage. The next destination is waiting for you but something is blocking you from getting there.


To dream that you are doing missionary work implies that it is time for you to define and set your own goals. Alternatively, the dream may be about your desire to help others or give back.


To dream that you are caught in a mist indicates that there is some confusion and uncertainty in your waking life. You need some clarity in a situation.


To dream that you make a mistake indicates that you are doubting yourself in the choices and decisions you are making.


To see mistletoe in your dream symbolizes joyous occasions and happiness. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to let go of your inhibitions. Perhaps you are attracted to someone around you and it is time to act on it.


To dream that you (or your mate) have a mistress refers to your subconscious desire to end your current relationship. You are trying to sabotage your relationship in some way. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are feeling neglected in the relationship. Perhaps you feel that you are not measuring up to the expectations of others, especially to your mate.

To dream that you are a mistress indicates your desires for the finer things in life.

To see a mistress in your dream suggests that you or someone is being lured or tempted into some negative activity.


To dream that you are being misunderstood reflects a waking situation where you feel powerless and frustrated. You are having difficulties expressing your thoughts and ideas.


To see or dream that you are wearing mittens suggest that you are handling things in a childish manner.


To see or use a mixer in your dream suggests that you are getting "mixed" up about something. Perhaps you are experiencing mixed feelings about something or someone.


To dream that you are mixing something signifies a blending of opposite ends of your personality. You are trying to be more yielding and more flexible. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are trying to combine different aspects of your life while keeping everyone happy at the same time.


To hear moaning or dream that you are moaning suggests that you need to be more vocal about your feelings, particularly what makes your happy and what makes unhappy. The moaning in your dream may be a way for your subconscious to draw your attention to a particular situation or issue that is not going well.


To see a moat in your dream suggests that you have put up an emotional wall around you. You are shutting others out and blocking out some hurt.


To see a mob in your dream represents chaos and disorganization. Your are experiencing a conflict in ideas and interest. It is time to be more assertive and take control of your life.


To see or wear moccasins in your dream signify your respect for nature and its beings. It also suggests that you walking peacefully or treading lightly on some situation.


To dream that you are mocking someone indicates an aspect of yourself that you are ashamed of. Consider what aspects of yourself that you see in this person.

To dream that someone is mocking you or making fun on you indicates that you are suffering from low self-esteem. Perhaps you are too overly worried with what people say about you.


To see or hear a mockingbird in your dream represents cockiness, cleverness, or independence. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are taking credit for the work of others. You also have a tendency to get what you want.

To see a mockingbird in your dream could imply cockiness, mocking or cleverness. Birds are symbols of transition and movements, though it in this case it may become a metaphor for being mocked by someone?


To see or dream that you are a fashion model represents an image that you want to portray. You are trying to be someone or something that you are not. Alternatively, it symbolizes your idea of beauty. You are striving for something that you cannot attain.

To see or build a model vehicle in your dream indicates that you are going through a new developmental phase in your life. You are laying out a plan.

To see a cardboard or clay model in your dream means that you will achieve great success. You proceed toward your goals in a careful and deliberate manner.

*Please See Also Catwalk.


To see or use a modem in your dream represents communication. You need to better convey your feelings to others.


To dream that you are being modest indicates that you need to be less arrogant and/or assertive in your real-life situations. You need to show more humility and be more even-tempered. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you have some minor concerns about a situation.


If you don't have a Mohawk in real life, but dream that you or someone has a Mohawk, then it represents non-conventional thinking. You need to start thinking outside the box and reshape the way you see things. Note that your personal associations with Mohawks will play dominantly in the meaning of this dream.


To use or apply moisturizer in your dream represents renewal. You have a fresh outlook in life.


To see or eat molasses in your dream signifies a happy home life and good hospitality. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for some situation or something that is moving slowly.

Mold is a negative dream symbol implying something that is left hidden that has potential to be harmful to you. It grows and feeds in dark areas; the location give you an idea where this negative energy resides. To dream of moldy bread represents negative issues relating to emotional nourishment or biological needs. Moldy skin mirrors negative aspects of your image or personal security.


To see mold in your dream indicates that something in your life has been ignored or is no longer of any use. It may also refer to the negative emotions that are expanding and growing in your subconscious. You need to find a productive way to express them before it grows out of control. Alternatively, the mold may also represent transformation. If you dream that you are scrubbing mold, then it means that you need to rid yourself of the negative and pessimistic attitude.

If there is mold growing on your food, then it implies that you are too easily susceptible to some negative energy around you.

To see a clay or plastic mold in your dream implies that you are lacking creativity. Perhaps you are too rigid in your thinking. If the mold is broken, then it suggests that you need to break away from your old habits and explore new ideas. In particular, dreaming of a mold of a key means a lack of privacy in some area of your life. You feel exposed.


To see a mole in your dream represents destruction and unforeseen danger. You are secretly plotting against others or someone else is working against you. Someone around you has their own hidden agenda. Alternatively, a mole is symbolic of your subconscious drives. You need to delve deeper and uncover what is going on.

To dream that you have a mole on your face or body suggests that something is interfering with your personal esteem. You are unable to gain the esteem of others. In particular, dreaming that there are moles on your arms mean that you are lacking confidence in what you are doing.


To dream that you are being molested suggests that are being taken advantage of or feeling violated in some way. Dreams of being molested is often a symptom of post traumatic stress. If you have been molested in real life, then you need to seek professional help to deal with the issue.

Dreams of this nature are signs that you are being taken advantage of, or relates to a violation with your personal space and emotions. It is not uncommon for family members, friends or unknown people to do this to them in their dreams. However, if these dreams occur from past events we suggest you seek medical help.


To dream that a snake is molting or shedding means that a person cannot change who they are no matter how hard they may try.

Dreaming that an insect is molting implies pressures about your weight and body issues. Perhaps there is an article of clothing that you are trying to fit into.

Mona Lisa

To see the Mona Lisa in your dream indicates that you are feeling indifferent about a situation. You are trying to separate your emotions from some circumstance. Alternatively, the dream may just indicate your fascination with art and the desire to understand the Mona Lisa.

To dream that the Mona Lisa painting has been defaced suggests that you are feeling frustrated in some relationship. You are experiencing mixed feelings.

, n. A person engaged in reigning. Formerly the monarch ruled, as the derivation of the word attests, and as many subjects have had occasion to learn. In Russia and the Orient the monarch has still a considerable influence in public affairs and in the disposition of the human head, but in western Europe political administration is mostly entrusted to his ministers, he being somewhat preoccupied with reflections relating to the status of his own head.


To dream that you are at a monastery indicates that you need to learn and explore more about yourself, especially the masculine side. It is a time for self-reflection and self-exploration. Perhaps you need to address some pent up aggression or you need to show more sensitivity. Alternatively, a monastery is symbolic of lacking sexuality. You are missing your other, better half.


To dream of Monday signifies the start of some project or task. You are ready to face your problems head on.


To see or win money in your dream indicates that success and prosperity is within your reach. Money represents confidence, self-worth, success, or values. You have much belief in yourself. Alternatively, dreaming about money refers to your attitudes about love and matters of the heart. It is a common symbol for sexuality and power. In particular, finding money indicates your quest for love or for power.

To dream that you lose money suggests that you are lacking ambition, power and self-esteem. You are experiencing unhappiness and setbacks in your waking life. You may also be feeling weak, vulnerable, and out of control in your waking life.

To give or spend money in your dream is analogous to giving love. You are looking for love. To see others giving money away suggests that you are feeling ignored, overlooked or neglected. Someone is not paying enough attention and showing enough affection toward you. If you are hogging or hoarding money, then it denotes insecurity or selfishness.

To dream that you have no money indicates a fear of losing your place in the world. You are lacking the abilities needed to achieve some desired goal. If you are borrowing money in your dream, then it suggests that you are overextending your resources. You are spreading yourself too thin.

To dream that you steal money forewarns that you are in danger. You need to be more cautious. On a positive note, the dream indicates that you are finally going after what you want in life. Alternatively, stealing money means that you are lacking love. You are desperate to be accepted.

To dream that you receive the wrong amount of change depends on whether you were shortchanged or not. If you were shortchanged, then it is analogous to low self-esteem issues. You feel unworthy. If you receive more change than you were due, then it signifies your inflated ego. You feel entitled to certain things.

Dreaming of money with blood on it means that you are achieving certain gains at the expense of someone else's livelihood. Your dream may indicate your guilt about accepting something that you know was wrong.

Money in dreams also symbolizes your finances, energy, personal values, image and feelings of security. In our dreams we are commonly known to count, receive, gain, lose or deposit this value currency. What does money mean to you? A feeling that can apply to your life; a symbol of loss or gain to this strong emotion attached.


To see a mongoose in your dream suggests that you putting up a defensive wall in an effort to hide your anxieties or shortcomings. You may also be struggling through issues with your sexuality.


To see a computer monitor in your dream refers to your thought process and rational thinking. If the monitor flickers or blacks out, then it suggests that you are looking at a problem all wrong. You need to re-evaluate the issue. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on your need to "monitor" or keep track of a situation, issue or problem.

To see a monitor lizard in your dream represents change and agility. It also indicates your objectivity in a situation.


To see a monk in your dream signifies devotion, faith, and spiritual enlightenment.

To dream that you are a monk symbolizes the introspective aspect of yourself. You need to emotionally withdraw yourself from a situation in order to regain some control, structure, and order.


To see a monkey in your dream symbolizes deceit, insight and intuition. Those around you are working to advance their own interest. Alternatively, monkeys indicate an immature attitude, a playful nature and the mischievous side of your personality.

To see a monkey hanging or swinging from a tree suggests that you are feeling troubled by some issue.

Dreaming that you are attacked by a monkey indicates conflict between your serious and playful side. Perhaps you are procrastinating too much. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are struggling with keeping your animalistic desires in check.

To dream of a dead monkey implies that it is time to get serious. You need to focus on some important or urgent issue.

To dream that you are feeding a monkey means betrayal by someone whom you thought cared about your interests.

Also consider the significance of the Three Mystic Monkeys who cover their eyes, ears and mouth to mean that they see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil.

These dreams can be both a positive and negative symbol depending the context in the dream. Monkeys are swift the have the ability to communicate, cause trouble, protect what is theirs and intuition. There need to explore and climb high to oversee any danger. A symbol that can be connected to your own curiosity, or perhaps a representation of self-indulgence and rebellion.

Monkey Bars

To see or play on the monkey bars in your dream denotes the carefree nature of childhood. Alternatively, it represents your strength, competence, determination and ability to achieve your goals. Don't give up.


To play monopoly in your dream signifies your business dealings and your aspirations for success. Perhaps you are undertaking some business endeavor or venture where a lot of money is at stake. The dream may also be a pun on how you or someone is monopolizing your time, a discussion or your finances.

Dreaming of a monster relates to our hidden fears and anxieties that we do not recognize in our lives. They will chase you and become more and more scary to get your attention to what you are ignoring. Monsters or any type of scary creature might be connected with the ‘shadow’ the repressed unknown parts of our minds.


To dream that you are chased or followed by a monster represents aspects of yourself that you find repulsive and ugly. You may possess some fears or some repressed emotions. Try to confront the monster in your dream and figure out who or what aspect of yourself the monster represents.

To dream that you kill a monster means that you will successfully overcome your rivals and advance to a higher position.

To turn into a monster in your dream suggests that you are becoming someone who you are ashamed of or someone who you longer recognized. Or the dream may also be showing your true character. Perhaps you need to change your attitude or ways.

**See The Meaning In Action: "Monsters On Bikes"


To see a monument in your dream signifies your legacy and how you want to be remembered. It also symbolizes your self-worth and the qualities you value in yourself.

Mood Ring

To see or wear a mood ring in your dream indicates that your feelings are being dictated by some outside forces. You are too moody. Or it may mean that you need to express your emotions more freely and openly, instead of keeping it all inside. Consider the color of the mood ring and how it reflects your waking mood. Blue means that you are feeling calm and relaxed. Red or purple signifies joy and love. Green represents balance and harmony. Yellow or orange suggests tension or excitability. Brown denotes your nervousness or irritability about something. And black means you are feeling sad, indifferent or cold.

Your relationship or interaction with the feminine will determine how the moon appears in your dream. If our bodies are comprised mainly of water, the moon becomes a powerful force that either pulls or pushes us away. Heavily connected with the dreamer emotional state, cycles, feelings and intuition; connecting back to the relationship with the mother, these feelings are always unconscious. The moon can be your friend our your worst enemy – connects to the dark shadow side of the dreamer encouraging them to explore these traits. According to Carl Jung the moon was the dark place for souls; the mysterious dark desires pulling out our madness. Connected with the feminine dreaming of the moon bring our awareness to overpowering attraction, menstrual cycle and the sensual.


To see the moon in your dream represents some hidden, mysterious aspect of yourself. It is often associated with the feminine mystique and intuition. Alternatively, the moon signifies your changing moods. If you see two moons in your dream, then it indicates that you are being pulled in two different directions. It also represents the extremes of two things. If you see five moons in your dream, then it points to mass chaos or confusion occurring in your life. It is also an indication that your intuition or instinct is very strong and that you need to follow it.

To see the eclipse of the moon in your dream signifies that your feminine side is being overshadowed. Or it may mean that some hidden aspect of yourself is coming to the surface.

To see the crescent moon in your dream indicates cyclic changes, renewal, and movement. You are progressing smoothly toward your life path. A full moon signifies completion and wholeness, while a new moon symbolizes new beginnings.

To dream that you jump and touch the moon refers to your ambition. When it comes to your goals and aspirations, you aim high. You can do anything if you set your mind to it.

Dreaming that an asteroid hits the moon and causes it to explode implies that the craziness in your life is getting out of control. You are giving in too much into your impulses.

If you see a blood moon in your dream, then it points to some difficulty or some sort of hardship headed your way. Alternatively, dreaming about a blood moon represents the end of a relationship, a situation or some issue.


To see a moonbow in your dream is symbolic of a spiritual or emotional connection within your personal relationship or religious beliefs.

Dreaming of an all white rainbow signifies heightened spirituality and purity.


To dream of the moonlight symbolizes an emotional breakthrough. The dream is offering you reassurance that you are headed on the right track in your dark times.


To see or wear moonstone in your dream symbolizes wealth, prosperity and luck.


To dream that you are moonwalking indicates that something or someone is holding you back, but you have yet to realize it. You are being prevented from moving forward and pursuing your goals. Alternatively, dreaming that you are doing the moonwalk suggests that you need to back off of a fight or situation.


To dream that you are in a moor indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed by the negativity around you. Others are dragging you down. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on "more". Is there something in your life where you are in need of more?

Moor or Swamp
This could how you are emotionally feeling right now? Dreams like this are indications of the dark and depressed aspect of yourself that remain unconscious. A symbol that targets stuck or stagnant emotions.

The moose brings the dreamers attention to their masculine energy. A symbol that can apply to both males and females; the moose living in the forest or wilderness suggests this powerful force is unconscious. Observing them implies you are in harmony with this energy, whereas being attacked shows a weakness. Dreaming of a baby moose shows new development of this inner energy.


To see a moose in your dream represents long life and longevity. It may refer to the elders around you. Alternatively, a moose indicates that you can be both powerful and gentle. You exert your power only when it is necessary.

Mops relate to cleaning up aspects of our minds psyche that need sorting out.


To dream that you are mopping suggests that you are ready to let go something. It is time to release your emotions and express it in a productive way.

To see a mop in your dream symbolizes domesticity and the monotony of your daily routine. Perhaps you are searching for a little more variety or excitement. Alternatively, the dream expresses your desires to want things to be neat and clean. You realize that it takes work to maintain and keep a household together.


To dream that you are in a morgue refers to some shocking and dreadful news that you are about to receive. Alternatively, the dream means that you are ready to put the past to rest.


To dream that it is morning suggests that fortune and pleasure are within near reach. It also denotes new beginnings, renewal, an awakening or starting over. Alternatively, the dream may also be a pun on "mourning". Are you grieving over something or someone? In particular, if the morning is cloudy, then it signifies an important situation that will burden you for a while.

Morning Glory

To see a morning glory in your dream symbolizes a bright, fresh start to your day. It is a new day and a new beginning.


To see morocco in your dream suggests that help will come from someone whom you least expect.


To dream that you or someone is morose refers to your pessimistic view of the world around you. You constantly find things going wrong. Alternatively, the dream indicates unpleasant situations and disagreeable companions.


To dream that you or someone is morphing into another person suggests that you need to incorporate aspects of this other person into your own character. You are in need of a major change in your life. Alternatively, you need to learn to see things from someone else's perspective and expand your awareness.

To dream that you are morphing into an animal suggests that you need to express yourself more freely and without restraint.

To dream that something is morphing into something else that morphs into something else represents your indecision or your ever changing attitudes toward some situation or issue. It also means that you are looking at something from a new angle or different perspective. Consider the significance of each morphed object.


To dream that you are taking morphine represents your disconnection from reality. You are experiencing some painful issues that you refuse to confront.

Morse Code

To use or hear Morse code in your dream suggests that you are lacking communication skills. You need to express your feelings and emote. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you need to be more direct some matter. Get to the point.

Death dreams have positive symbolism relating to rebirth, the old you is now dying off. Death mirrors new beginnings that is currently taking place in your life as you are undergoing a personal transformation. This can apply to friends, family and relationships as well hinting at change.


To see or wear a mortarboard in your dream represents education and learning. It also refers to your achievements. Perhaps there is a lesson that you need to learn.


To dream that you hold a mortgage indicates that you are maximizing your energies and putting it toward worthwhile pursuits. If you are worried about your mortgage in waking, then the dream may highlight your financial concerns.


To dream that you are feeling mortified suggests that you are feeling anxious about some event or task in your waking life. Such dreams are often blown out of proportion.


To see or dream that you are in a mortuary suggests that you are hindering your own self-growth by not utilizing your abilities and talents. Alternatively, it represents aspects of yourself that you need to discard and get rid of.


To see a mosaic in your dream represents the various aspects and components that make up life as a whole. You need to consider things from a wider perspective. Things may look insignificant and meaningless up close, but you need to stand back and consider the overall picture.


To see Moses in your dream signifies personal gains and self gratification. The difficult times will soon be over.

Mosh Pit

To dream that you are moshing or in a mosh pit implies that you are being slammed with responsibilities, deadlines or problems. Areas of your life are out of control.

To see a mosh pit in your dream refers to some uncontrollable energy.


To dream that you are in a mosque symbolizes your faith, personal religious beliefs and the divine. It also denotes a sense of community. If you are praying in a mosque, then it implies doubt in the choices that you are making. You are looking for guidance and reassurance.

A closer connection to God, feelings towards your religion or connecting you to your soul. This could be a metaphoric dream relating to what you stand for, the structure of your psyche.


To see mosquitoes in your dream suggest that some situation or someone has been draining you of your energy and resources. Alternatively, mosquitoes indicate that your resistance to attacks will be in vain.

To dream that you are killing mosquitoes denote that you will eventually overcome your obstacles. Happiness and fortune will be in your grasp.


To see moss growing in your dream indicates an extremely slow progress in some project or relationship. You need to be more patient.


To see or live in a motel in your dream represents your potential to achieve your goals. You are going through a transitional phase.

Moths similar to butterfly goes through the same metamorphosis process. They are very symbolic in our dreams because they bring your awareness to transformation. Unlike the butterfly the moth focuses on possible psychic abilities, moon, messages and darkness. They are attracted towards the light hence the folklore surrounds it with the dead. The darkness brings us close to personal transformation that needs struggle in darkness to obtain enlightenment. The personal journey through the shadow side as the search for the eternal flame. Moths are known for their camouflages skills – the ability to blend in with their surroundings.


To see a moth in your dream indicates that some unseen irritation may not surface until it is too late. It is important to pay attention to the minor details and not to overlook certain things. Alternatively, the moth symbolizes your weaknesses, character flaws or fragileness.


To see mothballs in your dream indicate that you are trying to repel some destructive forces or rid yourself of harmful behaviors. Alternatively, the dream refers to some hidden ability or latent knowledge that you need to acknowledge or bring to the surface.

The mother represents the nurturing side of the dreamer that connects with the feminine, moon or inner child. Depending on your relationship with your mom she is known to morph in various ways in your dream. Having arguments, noticing a sick or injured mother mirrors the relationship and inner feelings that are damaged. A mans inner feminine or anima reflects their own inner feelings that can either be healthy or underdeveloped based off of the past relationship.


To see your mother in your dream represents the nurturing aspect of your own character. Mothers offer shelter, comfort, life, guidance and protection. Some people may have problems freeing themselves from their mothers and are thus seeking their own individuality and development.

To dream that you are having sex with your mother implies that you are becoming like your mother. No matter how hard you try to deny it, you feel her influence. The dream may also be a graphic way of how you need to incorporate some of her qualities within your own self.

To dream that you are having a conversation with your mother denotes a matter that has preoccupied your mind and you are not sure how to deal with it in your waking life. It indicates unresolved problems that need to be worked out with your mother.

To hear your mother call you in your dream suggests that you have been negligent in your duties and responsibilities. You are pursuing down the wrong path.

To dream that you are being told that your mother is dead means that you are feeling neglected. You feel that your mother or some motherly figure in your waking life is not being responsive to your needs. She is not showing enough compassion or other emotions.

If you are not a mother in your waking life, but dream that you are a mother, then the dream is a metaphor that you need to show more of your nurturing and caring nature. You need to be more compassionate. Perhaps you are coming across as too indifferent.

Dreaming about your friend's mother symbolizes your idealistic notions of what a mother should be. More directly, your friend's mother may be a motherly figure for you. Perhaps she offered you advice or comfort in your time of need.

Mother Dead Appearing
Your dead mother might appear for many reasons in your dream, either you made actual contact or these are memories stored in your unconscious mind.

Mother Of Pearl

To see or wear mother of pearl in your dream symbolizes renewal, birth and fertility. Alternatively, the dream is telling you to be more focused on your tasks or goals.

Mother Teresa

To see Mother Teresa in your dream suggests that you need to show more sympathy, compassion and kindness.


To see your mother-in-law in your dream implies that there is some unresolved issue or inner turmoil that you need to work through. Your waking relationship with your mother-in-law will prevail in this interpretation.


To see a motherboard in your dream refers to the steps and processes that need to be completed in order to produce a desired outcome. Some project that you are working on requires cohesive action. Alternatively, a motherboard is symbolic of something in your life that is keeping everything or everyone together.

Motor Home

To dream that you live in a motor home suggests that you need to move on with regards to some aspect of your life. You are dwelling too much on a situation; it is time to move forward. Alternatively, the motor home expresses your desire to be more independent and self-sufficient.


To see or dream that you are in a motorboat or speedboat suggests that you do not like to dwell on your emotions. You move quickly from one situation or relationship to another.

Dreaming that you are being pulled by a motorboat means that your are not holding yourself accountable for how you are acting or feeling. You are letting circumstances dictate your emotions. You need to think through your actions before you act.


To see a motorcade go by in your dream indicates that you are distracted from going after your own goals. You are too overly concerned about what others are thinking and doing.

Dreaming that you are part of a motorcade highlights your importance in some decision. You are part of a team. Alternatively, being in a motorcade suggests that you are going with the masses and doing what everybody else wants you to do.


To see or ride a motorcycle in your dream symbolizes your desire for freedom and need for adventure. You may be trying to escape from some situation or some other responsibility in your waking life. Alternatively, a motorcycle is symbolic of raw sexuality. Perhaps you are moving too fast.

To see or be in a motorcycle chase in your dream implies that you are avoiding your responsibilities.

Motorcycles in dreams are symbols of freedom, vigorous force, excitement and male raw power. The image connects to our rebellious side, wanting a thrill as change might be heading your way. Alternatively, a motorcycle is also symbolic of raw sexuality, implying power is between the legs. How you handle the bike determines how you are approaching this situation in life.

Motorcycle Club

To see a motorcycle club in your dream points to a situation where you feel outnumbered or a situation that is playing on your fears.

Dreaming that you are in a motorcycle club suggests that you have the mindset of being above the law. The dream highlights the primitive, unruly aspect of yourself.

Mount Fuji

To see Mount Fuji in your dream represents an aspect of your life that may be deceivingly calm. It is a place where heaven and earth and fire comes together. Consider an aspect of your life where you are struggling with your spirituality, your practicality and your passions.

Mount Olympus

To see Mount Olympus in your dream indicates that you will overcome your current struggles. Alternatively, the dream refers to your spiritual connection.

Mountain Lion

To see a mountain lion in your dream represents lurking danger, aggression and raw emotions. You need to keep your attitude and emotions in check. Alternatively, the mountain lion symbolizes pride and grace.


To see mountains in your dream signify many major obstacles and challenges that you have to overcome. If you are on top of the mountain, then it indicates that you have achieved and realized your goals. You have recognized your full potential. Alternatively, mountains denote a higher realm of consciousness, knowledge, and spiritual truth.

To dream that you are climbing a mountain signifies your determination and ambition.

To dream that you fall off a mountain refers to your rush to succeed without thoroughly thinking about your path to success. Perhaps you are being pushed upward into a direction that you do not want to go or that you are not ready for. Falling off a mountain also means that you have a tendency to give up too easily or escape from demanding situations. You take the easy way out.

To dream that you are going around a mountain implies that you are tackling some obstacle in a roundabout manner. You are taking an indirect approach. Alternatively, dreaming of going around the mountain means that you are pacing yourself. You know your limitations.

The mountain connects to divine inspiration, and it is the focus of pilgrimages of transcendence and spiritual elevation. Cultural traditions feel its ascent was relates with purification and refinement – as in the ascent to heaven, or a holy mountain. Alternatively, mountains symbolize self-achievement and introspection, while the top (peek) of mountain is always a specific goal. Your current life situations, spiritual advancement and emotional obstacles appear as the mountain and your progress or struggle is your clue.


To dream that you are in mourning refers to your inability to let go of the past. You need to clear those old experiences and make way for the new. Alternatively, the dream may mean the contrary and shows how you are able to let go of the past and accept the loss.

To see others or dream that you are wearing mourning symbolizes grief, bad luck, and unhappiness. Alternatively, the dream signifies a disturbing influence or some misunderstanding within your social circle.


To see a mouse in your dream indicates fear, meekness, insignificance and a lack of assertiveness. You are experiencing feelings of inadequacy and fears that you are not measuring up. The dream may be telling you that you are spending too much time hiding in the shadows of someone else. Alternatively, a mouse symbolizes minor irritations and annoyances. Perhaps you are letting petty problems or insignificant issues eat away at you. The dream may also be a pun on a computer mouse and your connection to work or to the virtual world.

To see a dead mouse in your dream implies that you are not letting minor issues bother you. You are not letting your own fears get in the way of what you want. Alternatively, a dead mouse indicates that there is something that you have ignored or neglected for too long.

To dream that you kill or trap a mouse suggests that others are making a big deal out of certain minor issues in your life.

To dream that you or someone is eating a mouse indicates that there is something nagging at your conscience. You need to get it off your chest.

To dream that a mouse is being chased suggests that you are not standing up for yourself. You are letting others push you around.

*Please Also See Mice.

Mice are considered bad omens signifying pestering thoughts, negative forces or fears in your life. Mice show up as a warning that relates to your insides and outside world. Positive omens are when the mice leave the house, found dead, or killed by the dreamer.

Mouse Hole

To see a mouse hole in your dream represents a hidden aspect of yourself that you are unwilling to acknowledge or confront. Even though you know that it is unhealthy to avoid this issue, you continue to do so. The issue will only get out of hand if you do not address it.

Mouse Trap

To see a mouse trap in your dream suggests that you need to be more cautious. Be leery of people who want to help you. Alternatively, a mouse trap symbolizes ingenuity, insight, and creativity. You need to look at a better way of doing something.

To dream that you are setting a mouse trap indicates that you will outwit your opponents.

To dream that you catch a mouse in a mouse trap suggests that you are being taken advantage of.


To see a mouth in your dream signifies your need to express yourself or talk about an issue that's bothering you. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you have said too much and you need to keep your mouth shut.

In particular, to dream that you have dry mouth implies that you are at a lost for words. You are having a problem expressing your feelings. Alternatively, the dream may be a physical reality that you are really thirsty.

To dream that you or someone is covering your mouth means that you are being prevented from fully expressing yourself. It also indicates that you talk too much and need to know when to keep quiet. If you are covering someone's mouth, then it implies fear of being exposed. Or perhaps you are afraid of hearing some truth.

To dream that you are talking with your mouth full implies that you are unable to express yourself effectively. What is inside your mouth is a metaphor for something that you are trying to process or digest.

To dream that you cannot open your mouth suggests that you are speechless over some news. Alternatively, the dream refers to a secret that you must keep. Your inability to open your mouth in your dream is also a variation of REM paralysis and may point to feeling helpless in a situation. No matter how hard you try, you just can't. If you dream that you cannot close your mouth, then it means that there is something that you can no longer keep inside and have to express.

To dream that someone hits you on the mouth indicates that you are prevented from expressing your anger and other negative emotions. Someone is also forcing their views and beliefs on you. If you actually feel pain in your mouth when you wake up, then the "pain" may be as a result of your jaw tensing up during your dream.

To dream that there is blood around your mouth represents the consequences of your words. You may also be feeling guilt over something you said.

Dreams like this might have to do with how you communicate, how we express our emotions and expression. Negative dreams about the mouth when you have stuff in your mouth, pulling things out of your mouth, or sewn shut represents toxic behaviors. A lot of these issues remain unconscious so the dream is informing you to pay attention to your words.


To see or use mouthwash in your dream indicates that you need to literally wash your mouth as a result of something you said. You need to think first before saying something you might regret.


To see normal movement in your dream represents your ability to cope with various situations. You are able to adapt to the changing environments that you find yourself in.

To see quick, smooth movement in your dream represents self-acceptance or your quick wit. You are able to express your feelings with ease. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor telling you that you need to get a move on things.

To see slow, difficult movement in your dream indicates a fear of failure. Something is holding you back and preventing you to take chances.


To see movers in your dream implies that it is time for your to move on from a situation. You need to learn to let go and look toward what is ahead for you.


To dream that you are watching a movie suggests that you are watching life pass you by. Perhaps you are living vicariously through the actions of others. Consider also how the movie parallels to situations in your waking life. Observe how the characters relate to you and how they may represent an aspect of yourself.

To dream that you are playing a role in the movie foretells that something from your subconscious is about to emerge or be revealed. It may also represent memories of images from your past. Alternatively, the dream may be pointing you toward a new role that you might be undertaking. Your subconscious is psychologically preparing you for this new role.

To dream that the movie screen is blank suggests that you are trying to distance yourself from some issue or emotion. Or you are feeling excluded from some situation. Alternatively, the blank screen symbolizes a lack of accomplishments. You fee that you have nothing to look back on.

If you have a dream where you are part of an existing movie scene, then it implies that a life situation is playing out similarly to the movie scene. You feel connected to the scene. Consider what you are feeling when you watch the scene; it is this feeling that you are lacking or trying to recreate in your waking life. More directly, the dream may just mean that the movie is on your mind a lot or that you have watching too many times.

Movie Clapper

To see or use a movie clapper in your dream symbolizes your quest for fame and glamour. Alternatively, the dream refers to the many chances and opportunities that you come across in life.

Movie Set

To dream that you are on a movie set implies that a situation in your waking life is not what it appears to be. Perhaps you are being mislead. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you or someone is trying to manipulate reality.

Movie Theater

To dream that you are in a movie theater indicates that you are attempting to protect yourself from your emotions and/or actions. Viewing them on a movie screen projects them onto another person and thus makes those feelings and actions seem more distant. Your subconscious is trying to protect you from experiencing them directly.


To dream that you are moving away signifies your desire or need for change. It may also mean an end to a situation or relationship; you are moving on. Alternatively, it indicates your determination and issues regarding dependence/independence.

To dream that you are helping someone move indicates that you are afraid of change. You are not quite ready to confront some new situation by yourself. Alternatively, to help someone move implies acceptance of some new change, even though you may not agree with it.

To dream that your ex is moving in with you indicates that you are still holding onto some aspect of the relationship. You have not fully let go.


To dream that you are mowing the lawn suggests that you to need make some major reevaluations of your goals and life path.


To dream that you are watching MTV suggests that you are watching too much MTV. It is effecting your thinking and clouding your judgment. Consider what show you are watching and how it parallels a certain aspect of your waking life.


To see or cough mucus in your dream represents cleansing and releasing of suppressed thoughts. You feel you are able to express yourself. Alternatively, the dream implies that something or someone is trying to hold you back.


To see mud in your dream suggests that you are involved in a messy and sticky situation. It also suggests that some spiritual cleansing is needed.

To dream that you are walking in mud suggests that you are feeling weighed down by a situation, problem, or relationship. You are feeling frustrated.

To dream that mud has gotten on your clothing means that your reputation is being attacked and called into question. Consider the term "mud-slinging" to refer to some politicians.

A very common dream symbol that reflects a lack of clearly and movement. A metaphoric symbol for something sticky and stagnant in your life where you don’t want to be stuck or have on you. We try to avoid it as much as possible.

Mud Flaps

To see mud flaps in your dream means that you need to shield others from your drive and ambition. Your ambition tends to draw people away from you.


To dream that you are wearing a muff signifies a solid foundation of fortune. Alternatively, it reflects your tendency to do things at the spur of the moment without thinking it through.


To dream that you are baking muffins represent your hard work and your devotion to your work. You will reap the fruits of your labor.

To see or eat a muffin in your dream signifies your taste for exquisite and expensive things in life. As a term of endearment, the dream may also refer to your loved one.


To see or use a mug in your dream represents love nurturance and the womb. The mug also signifies rejuvenation and healing. Alternatively, it indicates a transcendence into a realm of higher consciousness. The mug may also be a pun on your face or that you are "mugging" for attention.

To see or use an insulated mug in your dream suggests that you are trying to keep a certain feeling or hope alive. You want to keep an idea "hot" or a project on track. Negatively, the dream means that you may be trying to hold onto something too long and it may be time to let go.


To dream that you have been mugged suggests that you are suffering from an identity crisis. Perhaps you have done something or being asked to do something that is out of character. Alternatively, the dream represents your fears of losing something that is important to you. The mug may also be a pun on your face or that you are "mugging" for attention.


To see or dream that you are taking a mugshot indicates that you need to face up to your responsibilities and acknowledge the mistakes you have made.


To see or eat mulberries in your dream indicate that an unexpected obstacle is causing a major setback toward your goals.

To see a mulberry tree in your dream represents protection from some negative force in your waking life. It also signifies sensuality.


To see or lay out mulch in your dream indicates that you are putting up some sort of protective layer or emotional barrier.


To see a mule in your dream represents your stubbornness and unyielding personality. You are overbearing, rebellious and unwilling to cooperate with others. Alternatively, the mule also symbolizes menial work and suffering. You may be feeling overburdened or stressed. If the mule is dead, then it denotes that your party hearty attitude will lead to unrestrained immorality.

To dream that you are riding a mule denotes that you are undertaking responsibilities that will give you a lot of anxiety.

To dream that you are kicked by a mule refers to the anxiety and fear that you are experiencing, as a result of some guilt or wrongdoing.


To see a mummy in your dream suggests that you are feeling trapped in a situation. You feel that you are not being heard.


To dream that you have the mumps suggest that you are unable to communicate your point across. Your voice is not being heard. Alternatively, it indicates pent up frustration and anger.


To dream that you have committed a murder indicates that you are putting an end to an old habit and a former way of thinking. This could also refer to an end to an addiction. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you have some repressed aggression or rage at yourself or at someone. Note also that dreams of murder occur frequently during periods of depression.

To dream that you witness a murder indicates deep-seated anger towards somebody. Consider how the victim represents aspects of yourself that you want to destroy or eliminate.

To dream that you are murdered suggests that some important and significant relationship has been severed. You are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions. The dream may also be about your unused talents.

Murder dreams are often seen as symbol of abrupt emotional endings that have been cut off. The meaning alters depending if you are the one being murdered, having to witness, or if you are the one murdering someone. These are generally vivid or graphic dreams mirror unconscious feelings of aggression, anger and conflict in life.


To see muscles in your dream symbolize power, strength, and flexibility. You need to develop these qualities within yourself in order to become a more stronger and confident person.

Dreaming of your muscles might be an indication of strength in ones life.


To see a museum in your dream indicates that your non-traditional path to success will make you stand out from the rest. Sometimes you need to take a risk. Alternatively, the museum represents your own personal history. You can learn a lot from your past and your heritage. Consider what you have gained from these experiences and apply them to your current circumstances.

To dream that you are in a museum represents the things you value in life. Objects in the museum symbolizes memories and talents. If you dream of being lost in a museum indicates that you are trapped in the past.

Dreams being in a museum are might be connected to the collective unconscious of the dreamer. Remember this is a place where we go to where historical items and other valuables are stored. Way before our time we are looking at what used to be.


To see mushrooms in your dream signify unhealthy pleasures and unwise decisions in your waking life. Things that come too quickly have a tendency to disappear just as quick. Learn to appreciate the things you have. Alternatively, mushrooms symbolize growth despite going through some hardship and difficult period.

To dream that you are eating mushrooms represent your leadership ability. You hold a lot of strength and power.

To dream that you are picking or collecting wild mushrooms refers to a potentially harmful situation or relationship. You may be expressing doubt in some new endeavor, relationship or situation.

To dream that mushrooms are growing and multiplying in your mouth refers to negative emotions that are literally growing and expanding in your subconscious. You tend to keep your feelings inside and need to find a productive way to express them before it grows out of control.

Mushrooms in dreams are powerful omens relating to the spirits, visionary and the underworld. It’s message unfolds in a metaphoric manner based off its use and how it develops – something magical that grows in the darkest parts of your mind. A symbol that encourages the dreamer to either reach or develop a high state of consciousness in order to transform. Due to their phallus shape it may imply male fertility or the Gods. They are commonly found attached to the dreamers skin or head.


To hear harmonious and soothing music in your dream signifies prosperity and pleasure. You are expressing your emotions in a positive way. Music serves to heal the soul.

To hear discordant or out of tune music in your dream signifies unhappiness, lack of harmony, and troubles in your relationship or domestic life.

Specific genres of music are personal to every dreamer. For someone who loves country music and hears country music in their dream, the interpretation will be different for someone who hates country music. If the genre of music is something you like, then the music is offering you some advice. If the genre of music you hear in your dream is something you hate, then it means that you are refusing or rejecting some advice.

When you dream of hearing music it connects to your emotion state of mind, inner happiness, and inner awareness. The type of music determines your mood or atmosphere in some way in your life. If you are playing music it is a symbol that encourages you to tap into your creative energies – the type of instrument played would be metaphoric mirror for what to explore.

Music Box

To see or open a music box in your dream represents the things that you treasure and hold dear to your heart. Consider the melody of the music box and what is inside the music box. If the music box is broken, then it means that you are experiencing some heartache.

To hear a music box in your dream indicates a past memory.

Music Notes

To see musical notes in your dream represent harmony or disharmony in your waking life, depending on whether the musical note was a sharp note or flat note. The dream may also be a pun on a note or message from your subconscious.

Music Video

To watch a music video in your dream suggests that you need to interject more excitement and thrill into your life. The dream may serve as a soundtrack of your waking life. Consider the music and imagery of the video and how it parallels your waking life.

To dream that you are making or you are in a music video suggests that you need to be more expressive and imaginative. Consider the type of video you are in.


To dream that you are watching a musical indicates that you need to be careful not to get carried away by your emotions.

Musical Chairs

To dream that you are playing musical chairs signifies instability in some area of your life. You are feeling uneasy about your position or about some decision you made.

Musical Instruments

To see musical instruments in your dream indicate the expectation of fun and pleasures. You are focused on enjoying life and all that it has to offer. The dream also represents your talents and your ability to communicate with others. Certain musical instruments are symbolic of sexual organs and thus point to your sexuality. If you play a musical instrument in your waking life, then the dream may serve as a rehearsal to improve your technique.


If you are not a musician in your waking life, but dream that you are one, then it implies that you need to be more expressive about your feelings.

To see a dead musician in your dream suggests that you are no longer able to express yourself in the same way as you did in the past.


To smell musk in your dream denotes that you will find joy in situations where you least expect it.


To see a muskox in your dream refers to a relaxed attitude. You don't let trivial things bother you and tend to go with the flow. You are able to handle whatever issues or problems that come your way.


To see mussels in your dream indicate that you are closing yourself off and isolating yourself from others. Ask yourself why you are shutting others out. The dream may also be a pun on "muscles".

A symbol that can be connected with the feminine; a symbol of birth, good fortune, and resurrection. It resides in the deep parts of the water thus connecting it with emotions or the unconscious side of the dreamer – cooking or eating muscles can be considered a positive omen.


To dream that you have a mustache when you don't really have one signifies that you are hiding an aspect of yourself. You are putting on a disguise or showing a different aspect of your personality. If you are a woman and dream that you have a mustache, then it indicates that you are expressing your power through your words and your verbal expression. If you dream that you or someone is wearing a fake mustache, then it indicates that you are trying to draw attention away from a minor issue or problem.

To dream that you shave off your mustache denotes that you are revealing your true self. You no longer have to hide under some disguise or some shield. Alternatively, the dream means that you are trying to reestablish your reputation, by renouncing your previous activities.

Dreaming that everyone has a mustache indicates that you are suspicious or untrusting of others.

Could be a play on words “must stash” something. For the most part this would be a symbol of creativity.


To see a mustang in your dream represents aggression, wildness, lust and untamed sexuality.


To see mustard growing in your dream signifies success and wealth.

To dream that you are eating mustard seeds indicates regret over your hasty decisions.


To dream that you are a mutant represents undeveloped aspects of yourself that you are ignoring or refusing to confront. Alternatively, to dream that you are mutant means that you need to look at things from a different perspective. There is something in your life that you need to drastically change.

To see a mutant in your dream indicates your fears of things that are different. The dream is trying to teach you to be more open and tolerant of things that you may not be used to.


To dream that you are mute indicates that you are afraid to say something for fear of being criticized or judged. There may also be a situation in your waking life that has left you speechless.


To dream that you are being mutilated indicates that there is a waking situation that you need to be careful about. You may be putting yourself in some sort of danger, either physical or mental. If you are mutilating yourself, then it means that you are seeking attention. You are expressing a desperate cry for help. Or you are trying to disconnect yourself from the unbearable pain you are experiencing in an aspect of your life.

To dream that someone or something is mutilated indicates that your integrity is put into question.

Dreaming Did you experience the same dream as your partner, friend or family member? These are very symbolic vivid dream that tell us more about your empathic nature or psychic gift.


To see or use a muzzle in your dream suggests that you need to show better restraint in holding back your anger. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you feel you are unable to fully express yourself.


To see myrrh in your dream signifies punishment or suffering. You are undergoing a difficult and tumultuous time.


To see a myrtle in your dream symbolizes happiness, peace, prosperity or domestic bliss.


To read or watch a mystery in your dream indicates that you need to be on the lookout for something that is out of place or out of the ordinary. Something is not what it appears to be. Be careful in your dealings.

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Social media scholar. Troublemaker. Twitter specialist. Unapologetic web evangelist. Explorer. Writer. Organizer.

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