
Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary

A to Z Free Dream Dictionary

Dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep. They can be entertaining, fun, romantic, disturbing, frightening, and sometimes bizarre.

They are an enduring source of mystery for scientists and psychological doctors. Why do dreams occur? What causes them? Can we control them? What do they mean?

Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary

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There are currently 189 dreams in this directory beginning with the letter V.

To see the letter V in your dream symbolizes victory, success or peace. As a Roman Numeral, it could represent the number 5.

Dreaming of either a vacant lot, space, house or building represents empty or unexplored areas of the dreamers psyche. An area that had no interest in the past is now being seen; a symbol that can only be understood by the dreamer.

To see a vacant lot or property in your dream suggests that you need your own space, either emotional space or physical space. You need some distance and time to yourself in order concentrate on your own needs. Alternatively, a vacancy represents something that is missing or lacking in your life.

Dreams about being on vacation represents that you need a break from responsibilities due to a hectic lifestyle. Alternatively, the location and who you go with becomes metaphoric clue for a new fun venture that will be unfolding in your life soon. If you dream about a vacation with your ex relates to past exciting memories that you once shared, or relates to repressed emotions.

To dream that you are on vacation indicates that you need a break to recharge your energies and revitalize yourself. You need to break out of your daily routine and do something different. Alternatively, dreaming of a vacation represents your achievements. You are giving yourself a pat on the back and are deserving of a reward for your hard work.

To dream that you are having a bad or awful vacation suggests that you are not able to escape from the daily responsibilities of your waking life. You are having difficulties coping with life's problems and issues.

Vaccinated in a dream represents protection against negative elements in your life. A symbol that suggests undergoing a small bit of pain for a long time cure. Often time the dreamer would be getting a shot from a doctor or nurse that can be considered an inner healer.

To dream that you are getting vaccinated suggests that you need to overcome your vulnerabilities. Things that may initially hurt you will be beneficial to you in the long run. You need to take better care of yourself.

To dream that someone is getting vaccinated indicates that you are being influenced by the beliefs and wishes of others.

A vacuum as a dream symbol can be defined in two ways. One way of looking at them would be representations of cleaning or removing elements that belong in the unconscious. Houses are symbols of the mind or psyche of the dreamer so it can also be reflected as cleaning clutter of the mind. The same goes as if you where to vacuuming up spiders that also represent removing negative aspects in the dark corners of your mind.

To see a vacuum in your dream refers to feelings of emptiness. You may be experiencing a void in your life. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you need to clean up your act and your attitude. It is time to rid yourself of your outdated ideas and negative habits.

To dream that you are vacuuming signifies a loss of control. You feel that you are being sucked up by some problem. Alternatively, the dream represents your desires to keep up appearances. Things may look fine on the surface, but some problem still persists underneath.

A vagina in your dream symbolizes your sensuality, feminine attributes and desires. A symbolic representation of unconscious sexual feelings and desires, but it is a reflection of womanhood and femininity. The location is close to the womb that is the birthplace for life and rebirth. Negative associations with blood, discharge, or smells relates loss of vital energy; or relating to distortion within the unconscious feminine instincts, urges and behaviors.

If you are a woman and you see your vagina in your dream, then it refers to your femininity and/or attitude toward sex. Alternatively, dreaming about your vagina means fertility, life, softness and warmth.

To see another woman's vagina in your dream signifies your sexual needs or urges. It may also suggest that a new project or idea is coming to fruition.

When you dream that you are a vagrant it implies that you want to escape the pressures of society. However, the dream could just be a representation of your worries if you are in an unstable financial situation. If you communicate to a vagrant in your dream it represents your character and how kind you are to others. Perhaps you feel that someone needs your help and you need to be more giving to someone in your life.

To dream that you are a vagrant suggests that you are trying to escape from the confines of social expectations. It may also indicate your current condition of poverty and misery.

To speak and give to a vagrant in your dream symbolizes your generosity. You are surrounded by valuable friends.

Dreaming of being a valedictorian indicates that you have been successful in your life and you are reminiscing of these achievements.

To dream that you are a valedictorian symbolizes your accomplishments and the high goals you have set for yourself. You are reflecting back on your success.

To dream that you are sending valentines indicate your need to express more love and affection.

To dream that you are receiving a valentine represents your likeability, compassion and good-hearted nature.

To see a box of valentines in your dream signify that an old lover may come back into the picture.

Valentine's Day
To dream about Valentine's day indicates a new and blossoming relationship. Your current relationship will also take a positive turn. The dream may also be an ultimate expression of love for you. Perhaps you need to tell someone that you love them.

Valentines Day
When you dream of this day it suggests that you are making progress in your love life. On the other hand the dream denotes that you should show your love for others in your life and not take the for granted. If you receive something is symbolizes that someone adores you. If you see a box of valentines day sweets it indicates that a previous love affair is going to linger around.

Being a valet person represents your ability to guide others in their life but unfortunately you cannot even help yourself. If you gave a valet to park your car it means that you are allowing people or even asking people to order and control things in your life.

To dream that you are a valet indicates that you are lacking your own direction in life. You are always helping others with their goals.

To dream that a valet parks your car suggests that you are letting other people dictate your direction in life. Or you are putting the goals of others ahead of your own.

A valley symbolizes your desire to be protected or to protect others. If you find that you are in the depth of the valley it suggests that you are caught in some tribulations in your life. Alternatively, being on top of the valley indicates that you have triumphed some situation in your life.

To dream that you are in a valley symbolizes fertility, abundance, or your need to be sheltered and protected. If you are entering or walking through a valley, then it is analogous to your issues of death and dying. This death may be symbolic as in an end to something in your life. In other words, you are going through a transitional phase. Alternatively, the dream represents life's struggles and hardships before you can achieve some spiritual enlightenment or epiphany.

To dream that you are looking down over a valley implies that you have overcome your difficulties and/or limitations.

To see a valve in your dream suggests that you need to keep your cool especially when under pressure. Remain calm and don't panic.

Vampires like bats appear as a warning of psychic vampires, the people you surround yourslef who drain you emotionally. Oddly enough women tend to fall in love with vampires due to the rising of Hollywood depiction of them being romanticized. Though if you are a vampire slayer or killing one in your dreams it is a positive omen that implies removing bad traits or behaviors within; or getting rid of toxic people in your life. If you are running from a vampire it shows that you are avoiding people or aspects of yourself that are dangerous.

To see a vampire in your dream symbolizes seduction and sensuality, as well as fear and death. The vampire represents contrasting images of civilized nobility and aggression/ferocity. It may depict someone in your waking life whose charm may ultimately prove harmful. Deep down inside, you know that this person is bad for you, yet you are still drawn to her or him. Vampires also sometimes relate to decisions about sex and losing your virginity. Alternatively, to see a vampire suggests that you are feeling physically or emotionally drained. The vampire may also be symbolic of someone who is addicted to drugs or someone in an obsessive relationship.

To dream that you are a vampire signifies that you are sucking in the life energy of others for your own selfish benefit.

To see or drive a van in your dream symbolizes convenience and/or practicality. Consider the load that you are carrying and what you can handle. Don't stress yourself out.

To dream that you drive your van into a body of water or that it rolls into water implies that you are in for an emotional journey.

An unlawful act that becomes a symbol in your dream representing the people who sabotage or deliberately damage your reputation. Cars and houses are commonly vandalized as they represent the dreamer self (house), or personal drive (car) that will be attacked. A sign that other people are watching you progress or perhaps setting you up to look bad.

To dream that you commit vandalism signifies repressed anger. You feel that you are being treated unjustly.

To witness vandalism in your dream represents your passive aggressive tendencies. The dream is telling you that you need to express yourself more constructively.

To taste or smell vanilla in your dream indicates a welcoming experience or inviting situation. Alternatively, it symbolizes purity and innocence.

*Please see Disappear.

To see a vanity in your dream suggests that there is something that you need to prepare for. You need to put your best face forward. A more direct interpretation may mean that you are being too vain.

To dream that you are vaping means that you should let out your feelings of anger.

If you do not vape in real life, but dream that you are vaping, then it indicates that you are being passive aggressive. You are subconsciously rebelling against authority.

Connecting with breath, a need to focus on awareness. How you feel about vaping can alter the meaning of the dream; a need to quit or enjoyment.

Dreaming that you are varnishing something indicates that you are trying to mask up something. Perhaps you are being someone you are not and trying to make everyone think things are perfect.

To dream that you are varnishing something suggests that you are trying to cover up some imperfection or mistake. It may also mean that you are putting up a front. You are trying to be someone that you are really not.

Do you consider the vase empty or full? A vase in a dream represents the things in your life that you admire or hold value too. Positive interpretations involve the vase having flowers (short term growth), or full with water – the emotional state of the dreamer. Alternatively, vase that are broken or empty seems to reflect vanity and poor self image.

To see a vase in your dream symbolizes the womb and all things feminine. You are open to criticism or suggestions. Alternatively, the dream represents creativity. If the vase is ornate, expensive, or fancy, then it indicates that you like to be the center of attention.

To dream that a vase is cracked or broken represents past, forgotten, or lost love.

A vasectomy in a dream is a negative omen relating to removing masculine energy or vital life force. What is known to create or give birth inside the dreamer is being removed. A symbol that relates to an emotion inside the dreamer that remains hidden.

If you are a man and dream that you have a vasectomy, then it indicates that you are expressing some dissatisfaction about your sex life. Alternatively, it suggests some self-doubt or issues with your self-image.

To see or apply Vaseline in your dream indicates that there is some issue that requires a soothing touch. Alternatively, Vaseline means that you are ready to heal from some emotional hurt or wound. It is time to move on.

To see a vat in your dream symbolizes the womb and a sense of security. Consider the significance of what is inside the vat. This may offer clues as to how you feel you are being treated in a particular relationship or situation. If the vat is empty, then the dream may be a metaphor about feeling empty inside.

To see the Vatican in your dream represents hope, renewal and deep spiritual awareness. Alternatively, the Vatican denotes unexpected gain due to the action of others.

To dream of a vault reflects hidden talents and skills that you have not yet discovered or locked away in the dreamers mind. Once the vault is opened in your dream it becomes a good omen that unlock something valuable within the dreamer. The contents found inside can be translated metaphorically relating to memories, talents, emotions are now accessible.

To see a vault in your dream symbolizes the subconscious, your personal resources and hidden potential. The dream may be telling you that you need to start using your inner reserves, skills and underutilized energies, instead of keeping them locked and stored away.

Vaulting in a dream indicates heading upwards in your life or shooting up to the top something. You are going to make progress towards your aims in life and overcome whatever obstacles lie in your path.

To dream that you or someone perform a vault represents your determination and drive toward your goals. You are trying to overcome some obstacle or difficulty. Consider the performance and degree of difficulty of your vault as it indicates your level of confidence.

Dreaming of a VCR suggests that there in something in your life that has been ignored. You made mistakes in your past that you have not yet learnt from.

To see a VCR in your dream refers to something that needs to be documented or recorded. There may be something that you have overlooked. A VCR also refers to memories and lessons of the past and the insights that you can still gain from it. The dream may also be calling attention to the impression you leave behind and what others may think of you.

To dream that you are eating veal implies that you are behaving immaturely. It also points to inexperience. The meaning of veal will also depend largely on your personal views about eating veal or if you are a vegetarian. Perhaps there is something you find repulsive.

Dreaming of vegetables symbolizes your need to revitalize your mind and body. Consider the specific vegetable for further significance. These are positive dream symbols that connect to prosperity and growth.

To see vegetables in your dream signify your need for spiritual nourishment. It may also indicate that you are lacking in a particular nutrient. Look up the specific vegetable for additional interpretation.

To see withered vegetables in your dream denotes sadness. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are "vegging". You need to get up and be more active.

If you are not a vegetarian in your waking life and dream that you are a vegetarian, then it refers to your strict self discipline. Alternatively, the dream may also mean that you are lacking substance in some area of your life.

To see vegetation in your dream represents obstacles that you have to overcome in order to grow as a person and move forward.

Vehicle are mods of transportation reflecting our movement, goals or life path. Buses symbolize shorter destinations whereas cars connected more with your personal journey. Motorcycles would represent raw masculine power or new powerful ventures.


To dream that you are riding in a vehicle (car, boat, train, etc.) signifies the level and type of control you have over your life. Alternatively, the dream means that someone is exerting their power over you, depending on who is in the driver's seat.

To dream that you are thrown from a vehicle refers to your hastiness and quick temper.

Consider the specific vehicle for additional meaning.

Vehicles (cars or vans)
To dream about a vehicle tends to mean nothing in particular, HOWEVER if you dream about something like a car crash or accident, it means you have low confidence. This type of dream should be paid more attention to as it symbolises emotional stress or a bad mental state. If you dream about a car crash it can actually meant hat you’re worried about losing something like a job, relationship or even your house, so you need to find the source of that worry. Work out why you’re worried about that thing, and then fix it.

These dreams signify a need to keep certain things in your life a secret or relating to a union of some sort. The veil itself might be referring to covering up the pure aspects of yourself. To dream of a black veil might imply impurities or the shadow side of the dreamer. Red veils in a dream reflect inner passions, lust and energy.

To dream that you or someone is wearing a veil represents something that you wish to hide or conceal. Things may not be what it appears to be. In particular, if you are a man and dream you are wearing a veil, then it signifies the feminine aspects of your character. Perhaps, you need to acknowledge your feminine side. Alternatively, a veil symbolizes humility, coyness or innocence.


Dreaming of veins are actually connected to the heart of the dreamer; unconsous emotions are metaphorically processed though the body. Often times the dreamer will notice bulging, black, and varicose as a mirror of pain being reflected on the surface. These sort of vivid dreams informs the dreamer that what is on the inside shows to others on the outside.

To see your veins in your dream represent a challenge that will test your character and ability. The dream also suggests that you should not take things for granted, especially if they seem to come easily.


To see Velcro in your dream refers to a sticky situation. Alternatively, Velcro represents something that you need to access quickly and easily. Consider the significance of where the Velcro is used. If the Velcro is on a shoe, then it implies that you are looking for a shortcut to success.

To see a velociraptor in your dream suggests that you are dwelling in the past. You let an opportunity pass you by because you did not react fast enough.

*Please See Also Dinosaur.

Velvet in a dream represents sexuality, soft feelings and desires.

To dream that you are wearing velvet signifies distinction and honor. It also represents you sensuality and emotions.

To dream that you are wearing velvet pants signifies your sensual side.

Velvet Rope
To see a velvet rope in your dream symbolizes access. You feel special and privileged. Alternatively, the dream implies that the path that you have chosen for yourself can easily be altered. Don't feel obligated to keep on the same path if you are no longer have passion for it.

Vending Machine
Vending machines are images of things in our lives that we can easily access or obtain. A broken vending machine shows the dreamer that what ever used to come in handy is now shut down.

Vending Machine
To see a vending machine in your dream represents the things that are just outside of your grasp or reach. You need to invest a little more effort before your goals come to fruition. Consider what is inside the vending machine for further significance.

To dream that you are veneering signifies deception. You are being someone you are not.

Venereal Disease
Generally any type of disease suggests an internal problem that is effecting your mind.

Venereal Disease
To dream that you have a venereal disease indicates some sort of contamination, either physical or emotional. You may feel vulnerable or victimized in a waking relationship. Alternatively, the dream signifies a fear of sex or an imbalance in sexual energy.

These dreams hint at a longing for romance in your life.

Synonymous with snakes or spider venom mirrors the people, angry emotions or events that pose a threat in our walking life. The moment this poison gets into your body it will eventually corrupt the mind. A negative omen if the venom in the dream enters the dreamers central nervous system.

To come in contact with venom in your dream represents pent-up anger and hostility you may be expressing or experiencing from others. Perhaps, your feelings of hate are beginning to show through. Alternatively, the dream is indicative of a lack of self-esteem, lack of self-love, or insecurities you have.

To see a vent in your dream symbolizes a release of emotions. You are looking for an outlet to express your feelings. If the vent is dusty, then it implies that you are avoiding certain feelings.

Having a dream with a ventriloquist indicates trickery and others taking you to be a fool. You are being fooled by someone or some situation in your life. If you are the ventriloquist it means that you are the one deceiving and manipulating situations and people who confide and believe you.

To see a ventriloquist in your dream symbolizes deception, fraud or some treasonable matter affecting you in a negative way.

To dream that you are a ventriloquist signifies dishonorable conduct and deception towards people who trusted you. There is a part of yourself that you are not revealing. Alternatively, the dream means that you are trying to influence, manipulate, or control people around you.

Dreaming of the planet Venus represents feminine energies and attributes. Venus connects you to the highest point of love. In Astrology, Venus represents two main areas of our life, love and money.

To see Venus in your dream symbolizes love, desire, fertility, beauty, and femininity. It also represents the things you value and cherish in life.

Venus Flytrap
Dreaming of a Venus flytrap is indicative towards a very strong and powerful woman. You are being controlled and dominated by a female presence in your life. Possibly being possessed by the feminine archetype.

Venus Flytrap
To see a Venus flytrap in your dream symbolizes the devouring female. It refers to a powerful or overbearing woman in your life. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are feeling "snappy."

To dream that you are being eaten by a Venus flytrap indicates that you are being overwhelmed by some dominant female in your waking life.

The dream implies that soon you would be at peace and leave all your worries and troubles behind.

To dream of being on a veranda indicates that you will successfully overcome a problem that was giving you much anxiety. Alternatively, the dream represents your outlook in life.

To hear a verdict in your dream indicates that it is time for you to face the truth. The dream also means that you are being judged and criticized for your actions.

To see vermin crawling in your dream signifies sickness and trouble. You will be faced with many disappointments and obstacles. Alternatively, the dream refers to some dirty situation.

To dream of a vertical line or something that is vertical symbolizes the spiritual realm and the supernatural.

These dreams indicate an off balance in your mental state of mind. There is a need for inner balance and the cure is hidden in the details in the dream.

To dream that you have vertigo indicates an imbalance and lack of confidence in some situation. You are experiencing feelings of anxiety and discomfort.

To see a vessel in your dream symbolizes labor, industry and activity. Alternatively, a vessel refers to a major emotional issue.

To dream that you are wearing a vest represents your compassion for others. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on being "vested" in something or someone.

A veterinarian represents wild and animistic qualities that need to be controlled. Unfortunately, these qualities make you seem uncivilized in your waking life.

To see a veterinarian in your dream indicates that you need to tame your instinctive behavior and subconscious self so that it is more socially acceptable.

You are actually also annoyed and frustrated about some situation in your life. The dreams serves as a median to express your emotions and the dream is going to continue happening unless you get rid of the problem that is causing you to feel that way.

To dream that you are vex about something parallels waking issues that are bothering you. You need to address these issues or else they will continue to recur in your dreams.

A vibration is almost like a wake up call. The dream suggests that you take heed of what is going on in all aspects of your mind.

To feel a vibration in your dream suggests that you need to pay more attention to your intuition and to your emotional side. Alternatively, the dream refers to some sexual need.

To see or use a vibrator in your dream signifies your desires to awaken your sexuality.

To see a vicar in your dream suggests that you need to recognize your spiritual needs.


Vicious Dogs
See dog dreams

Being a victim in your dream refers to your feelings that people are taking advantage of you. A lack of control as you are feeling powerless and helpless in a waking situation. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are unwilling to take responsibility for your choices.

To dream that you are a victim suggests that you are being oppressed and overpowered by others. Such dreams suggest that you are feeling powerless and helpless in a waking situation. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are unwilling to take responsibility for your choices.

To dream that you are in the Victorian period indicates that you are feeling sexually repressed. You feel you are unable to full express yourself. If you are wearing Victorian style clothes, then it means that you are feeling confined or restricted in some way. The dreaming mind likes to play word games and so the dream may point to someone in your life who is named "Vicky" or "Victoria". Or it can signify victory!

Victorian Clothing
The Victorian period was a very diverse era but the most distinguishing aspect was the clothing and how the women were shaped and covered by it. You have to hide certain aspects of yourself in order to fit in. Perhaps you feel you cannot be yourself and you must be very conservative. It also means that you are holding back your sexual desires in order to you’re your conservative image.

Dreaming of being victorious signifies your security and your self-confidence. You know you are able to achieve what you set your mind to but you need to find some incentive in order to do it.

To dream of victory over something represents confidence in your abilities. You are seeking motivation in the course that you are taking. Sometimes you need to imagine or visualize success before actually achieving it.

To dream that you are editing a video means that you are manipulating how someone views you. You are trying to keep up appearances and act as if everything in your life is going smoothly.

Video Camera
Using a video camera in your dream implies that you need to center your attention to a specific course of action. You need to stop all other distractions from hindering your progress. If you dream of someone else videotaping, consider what that person is videotaping. The dream refers to your recollections. Your unconscious is trying to get you to reflect and learn from your past.

Video Camera
To dream that you are using a video camera suggests that you need to be more objective in your decisions. Focus on the task at hand and try not to let your emotions cloud your judgment.

To dream that someone is using a video camera indicates that you are reflecting back on your past and old memories. You may be trying to learn from previous mistakes or relive the good and bad times.

Video Chat
To dream that you are on video chat refers to your desires to connect with someone on an emotional and mental level. You want to convey your feelings to them. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to keep your distance from some situation or relationship.

Video Game
If you dream that you are part of the game symbolizes that you are powerless and others have command over your actions in life. Having a dream where you are engulfed in a video games signifies how you handle things in your waking life. Are you winning or losing? What type of game are you playing? If you are winning the game it suggests that you are capable of easily getting out of a situation; instead of going face to face with it. These dreams could be significant for you to control others for your own personal gain.

Video Game
To dream that you are playing a video game represents your ability to manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. Alternatively, playing a video game suggests that you are trying to escape from the problems in your real life, instead of confronting it. Consider the type of video game and video game character for additional insights.

To see or dream that you are a character in a video game suggests that you are feeling controlled and manipulated by others. You feel that you have no control over your actions or are not taking responsibility for them.

To dream that your real life has turned into a video game implies that you are lacking any ambition and drive. You don't have any direction in life and what you want to do. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you need to always be on the alert.

Video Store
To dream that you are in a video store represents the various chapters and aspects of your life. It is a summary of your life experiences. Consider the title of the video that you are looking for or that you are renting and how it relates to your waking life.

Dreaming of watching a video tape indicates that you are draining your energy and using your brain too much. You need to kick back, with some pop corn and enjoy a movie where you think of nothing but relaxing. Are you fast forwarding or rewinding or pausing and reminiscing? The video could also be of your life and your present situation or past situation that you are looking back at. Rewinding the tape means you want to go back to how things were and you feel sad about how things happened. While fast forwarding the video tape means that you want to skip what it going on in your life now and move forward and onward on to other things you consider better and more important.

To watch a videotape in your dream indicates that you need to stop and relax. Take a break from life and let your mind rest. Consider the title of the videotape or what you are watching and determine how it relates to your waking life. It may also represent past memories or repressed thoughts that are playing out as the dream videotape.

If you are rewinding the videotape, then it suggests that you are experiencing regret or remorse over your past actions.

If you are forwarding the videotape, then it suggests that you are trying to escape from some current situation.

To dream that you attend a vigil suggests that you are looking for comfort and mutual understanding, especially with a difficult situation.

To see a Viking in your dream indicates that you are feeling violated or conflicted in some way. You are facing a confrontational situation.

To dream that you are a Viking represents exploration of your subconscious thoughts. It also means that you are taking a chance at some emotional relationship.

Viking Hat
To see or wear a Viking hat in your dream refers to your desire to stand out from the rest. You are looking for attention. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are looking to break out of your shell.

To dream that you are in a village represents restrictions. You need to follow the rules. Alternatively, a village signifies community, simplicity, and tradition.

To see a villain in your dream symbolizes the negative aspects of your own self that you are ashamed about or not proud of.

Vinegar symbolizes things going wrong and bitter feelings in your life. However, sometimes we fail to see that something bitter might be better for us. Perhaps you needed to wake up and start working towards things in your life. You need to learn to make the best out of things.

To see or drink vinegar in your dream suggests that you are feeling sour about some situation. It may denote a relationship that has gone sour. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you to make the best out of a bad situation. You are worrying too much.

Dreaming of vines denotes positive and determined thinking. You know what you want and you are going to climb to the top to reach it. On the other hand vines could mean attachment and being tied down. You feel that some relationship or situation is causing you to feel a bit stifled and you want to let loose.

To see vines in your dream represent your hopes ambitious thoughts or ideas. Alternatively, vines symbolize a clingy relationship. Perhaps you feel trapped and are searching to break free. Your emotions could be holding you back.

To see grape vines in your dream symbolize rewards, prosperity, and spirituality. Grape vines signify sexuality and sensuality.

A vineyard indicates that you will be rewarded for all your efforts. Fruit bearing vines suggest harvests and bounty. Grapes are also symbolic suggesting fruits of labor, hard work, determination, and patience. Ancient Sumerians felt this was a sign of life.

To see a vineyard in your dream represents the fruits of your labor and your life experiences. You hard work and effort will pay off in the long run.

Vinyl symbolizes falseness and a fake persona. When you see vinyl in your dream it suggests that you are not being real to yourself. If you wear vinyl it indicates that you are dependent on others and thus you do not do much on your own.

To wear vinyl in your dream represents your lack of freedom and limited abilities. You are feeling restricted in some area of your life. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes a shield that you have put up to protect yourself against some emotional hurt.

To see something vinyl in your dream suggests that you are not being genuine and true to yourself.

*Please See Also Record.

To see or viola in your dream represents your deeper, darker and more melancholy feelings.

Playing the viola in your dream signifies control over your emotions.

Being violated in your dream refers to how you feel in your waking life. You feel that people are taking advantage of you and controlling your actions and course in life. You need to regain control over your life.

To feel or dream that you have been violated represents feelings of being oppressed by others or by situations in your life. You feel that you do not have the power to change the path that your life is taking on. Try not to blame yourself for circumstances that are beyond your control.

Violence can be a common theme when you may have unconscious pent up feelings of anger and frustration. Violence is a common dream occurrence that shakes up the dreamer for a reason. If you are doing the violence the persona who might be the victim might be a clue to investigate further. If you are being attack might suggest being victim in your walking life.

To see violence in your dream indicates unexpressed anger or rage. You need more discipline in your life. If you enjoy the violence, then it points to your aggressive or sadomasochistic tendencies. The dream may also reflect repressed memories of child abuse. In particular, to dream that the violence is directed to yourself represents self punishment and guilt. You may be feeling helpless or vulnerable in some area of your life. Violence toward others in your dream suggests that you may be fighting or struggling against aspects of your own Self.

Violent Death
These dreams might seem horrific but they actually suggest internal change, death and rebirth. The violence might be met with your consciousness resistance to change coming.

Violets are symbolic of love, adoration, spiritual wisdom and happiness. When you receive violets in your dream it is indicative to someone bringing joy to your life. On the other hand, giving violets means that you are a bit shy to express your passion towards someone. The violet also has roots in Christianity and represents the modesty of the Virgin Mary.

To see violets in your dream signify passion, joy and bliss. It also indicates enlightenment, spirituality and humility. Alternatively, the dream represents your shyness. You tend to hide in the background.

A violin indicates that you will be able to find serenity. You will be rewarded after you are done working hard in your waking life. Alternatively, if the violin is damaged or you are unable to play it then it suggests that you will confront chaos and troubles in your life.

To see or hear a violin in your dream symbolizes peace and harmony in your waking life. If the violin is broken, then it signifies separation, sadness, and bereavement.

To play a violin in your dream denotes honor, distinction and refinement. You will be well recognized for your work.

To see a viper in your dream represents hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for someone who is malicious or dangerous. You need to be on the watch for ruthless people working against you.

Being a virgin in your dream indicates innocence and purity suggesting the possibility for anything to happen. If you dream that you are losing your virginity it means that you yearn to experience your sensual side. If you recently lost your virginity or have not lost it as yet then you are currently thinking about. All your desires and envisioning of how losing it will be on your mind until you make the choice to finally lose it.

To dream that you are a virgin symbolizes purity and potential. Note that the dream may not necessarily mean actual physical virginity, but could also represent emotional innocence. In particular, if you are not a virgin but dream that you are one, then it signifies past regret or remorse. You need to stop dwelling on the past and look toward the future.

To dream that someone is a virgin indicates integrity and honesty. You may have an ideal that you are tying to attain.

To dream that you are losing your virginity refers to your desires for intimacy and closeness. You are looking to fulfill your needs for physical and emotional love. The dream may also be brought on by your waking thoughts of losing your virginity. Your mind is preoccupied by how it will be and what it would be like.

Virgin Mary
The Virgin Mary is a dream symbol can alter based on your religious traditions and beliefs. She appears to be the mother goddess similar to Isis to the ancient Egyptians. In a Jungian view she connects with the feminine within the masculine (anima) as the highest level of selfless love, compassion, intuition. In Christianity she is accompanied by a new moon where she resonates with the concepts of purity, peace, illumination, and perfection. Many cultures have linked the moon with change and rebirth. There have been many sightings of the Virgin Mary around the world and all seem to be quite similar to how she presents herself in dreams.

Virgin Mary
To see the Virgin Mary in your dream signifies selfless love, compassion, spiritual harmony and ideal motherhood. Alternatively, the Virgin Mary represents a repressed fear of sex and difficulties in personal relationships.

To dream that someone is a Virgo denotes cautiousness, purity and perfection. You are detail-oriented and are always striving toward perfection. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes release of emotions.

Virgos like to plan ahead and thus dreaming of the symbol indicates you are very careful. You think things through so you wont make silly decisions.

Contracting a virus in your dream symbolizes a possible personal attack or fears of getting Covid 19. Coming from outside could represent things that are out of your control that effect you. If you dream that you have a computer virus it represents your life being in chaos and you do not have the power to organize it.

To dream that a computer has a virus or has crashed suggests that something in your life that is out of control. It may parallel something in your life that has come to a crashing end. If you dream that your computer has a sentient computer virus that would create random or strange artwork, then it depicts your subconscious desires. The artwork may also be a reflection of a situation in your life that you are ignoring. In particular, if the artwork is of a little boy smearing X's with his poop on a calendar, then it indicates past regrets or remorse.

To dream that you have a viral infection or contracted a virus suggests that you are experiencing an unpleasant change or an emotional breakdown in your waking life. The virus may be symbolic of your inability to cope with a situation and you see that being sick is a way out. On a more direct note, the dream may signal you to pay close attention to your health, especially to the area of body revealed in the dream.

To see or use a vise in your dream suggests that you are feeling confined and restricted. You feel that you cannot fully express yourself.

To see Vishnu in your dream symbolizes love, mercy, grace, and truth. His appearance in your dream may be an indication that you need time for contemplation.

To dream that your vision is obstructed indicates that you are about to make an error in judgment. There is something that you are not seeing clearly.

To see visions in your dream indicate that your mind is free from any restraint and free to wander without any inhibitions. Such dreams are said to have a different feel. Some of these vision dreams may be described as epic dreams.

Having visions in your dream is a very strong and unusual feeling. These dreams imply that your mind is open and you are exploring it without limitations. If you are unable to see clearly in your dream it suggests that you are not thinking straight and thus likely to make silly decisions.

If you are visited by someone in your dream it indicates that you will soon find out something essential and significant that will impact your life. Is the visitor welcomed or refused? You are going to experience some form of change in your life and depending on how you accept the visitor in your dream is how you treat the change in your life. If you are visiting someone in your dream it signifies that you need to resume communication with that person or someone they represent in your life.

To visit someone in your dream suggests that you need to reconnect with this person in your waking life. Perhaps you have been neglecting that relationship.

To have a visitor in your dream signifies that some important news or information will soon be revealed to you. It may also suggest that love is just around the corner. Alternatively, a visitor indicates that you are experiencing a new phase in your life. If the visitor is unwelcome, then it indicates your refusal to change.

To dream that you are a visitor suggests that you need to look at the overall picture on some issue. You need to gain a wider perspective on things.

To see or take a vitamin in your dream indicates that you need to strengthen your willpower and stand up for yourself. Alternatively, taking vitamins point to your waking eating habits and that you need to add certain nutrients to your diet.

When you dream that you are taking vitamins it suggests that you are trying to regain your ability to be self sufficient and battle people who attack you.

To dream of a vivisection suggests that there is something that you are desperate to eliminate from your life. Consider the qualities of the animal being vivisected and how it relates to an aspect of your character.

To see a vizier in your dream indicates that you need to question certain authority. Do not follow blindly.

Dreaming that you are a vizier refers to your influence over others.

To dream that you are vlogging indicates that you are looking for an outlet to express your personal thoughts and experiences. You need someone to talk to about your problems. Alternatively, dreaming that you are vlogging refers to the frustration of having a one-sided conversation. You feel you are talking to yourself.

To dream that you are voguing refers to your attitude and confidence. Maybe you are being too idealistic and things. The dream may also be a metaphor to mean that you are in style or in fashion.

To hear voices in your dream signify a message from the subconscious or spiritual realm. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you need to "voice" your opinions more loudly. Speak your mind!

Voice Mail
To dream that you have a voice mail symbolizes some important advice that you may have overlooked, but need to heed. Pay attention to the message and how it applies to your waking life.

To dream that you are voiceless represents a loss of identity and a lack of personal power. You are unable to speak up and stand up for yourself.

These dreams represent an inability to speak your mind in your walking life.

These are messages from your unconsciousness giving you important details.

Hearing voices in your dream means you need to pay attention and listen to what people have to say. Perhaps the advice people are offering you or comments people are saying are bothering you. Alternatively this might be connected to sleep paralysis the process between sleep and wakefulness.

To see a volcano in your dream indicates that you are unable to control your emotions, particularly if the volcano is erupting. You are ready to burst. The outcome may be damaging and hurtful, especially to those around you. If the volcano is dormant, then it represents past issues that have been resolved and put to the rest.

Dreaming of a volcano represents a build up of emotions that has reached the surface. Repressed emotions and feelings that eventually blow up in our lives is often depicted as a volcano eruption in our dreams. The unconscious is sending you a message or warning to pay attention to these bottled up feelings or else you and other will be hurt.

To see Voldemort in your dream symbolizes an ever-present evil force working against you.

To dream that you are Voldemort represents the darker, sinister side of your personality. You are capable of accomplishing great feats, but with questionable motives and methods.

To dream that you are playing volleyball represents your indecisiveness and your inability to commit. Alternatively, playing volleyball indicates the importance of cooperation and teamwork. You need to learn to rely on others instead of doing everything yourself.

Usually any sort of volume in your dream has to do with your voice and communicating with others. If you dream that the volume is too loud it implies that you are being very influential and trying to shove your thoughts on other people. You need to be a little bit more open and understanding. While turning up the volume indicates that you are not being heard and you are doing everything to make sure that your voice gets across.

To dream that you are turning up the volume suggests that you are demanding to be heard. No one is paying attention to what you are saying. You are feeling overlooked or overshadowed in some waking situation.

To dream that you are turning down the volume indicates that there is something that you are refusing to hear. You may be rejecting what your inner voice or instinct is trying to convey.

To dream that the volume is too loud indicates that you are forcing your opinions and views on others. You are too overbearing and/or confrontational.

To dream that the volume is too low suggests that you are not paying enough attention to what someone is trying to tell you. You are not picking up on the cues. Alternatively, the dream signifies missed opportunities or feeling left out.

To dream that you volunteer for something or are a volunteer represents the value of helping others in need. Perhaps someone or some situation calls for your help. It also implies charity and your willingness to offer your assistance. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you need to take more initiative and get involved with the way your life is going.

Being a volunteer in your dreams symbolizes that you feel satisfied knowing you helped people without others knowing you did it. On the other hand, it might be a dream implying to take the help from others who offer

To dream of vomiting symbolizes rejected or unsettled emotions, beliefs or negative feelings that are forcefully removed. The dreamer will need to examine what they are metaphorically rejecting in their lives. Since your own body is rejecting it shows the dreamer this might be a instinctive reaction (stomach intuition) that wouldn’t allow it to be absorbed in the mind, body, and soul. To dream you are vomiting blood suggest a loss of vital energy, personal injury and pain. To dream of throwing up blood clots could represent a long over due build up to these negative emotions. If you are vomiting raw eggs suggests neglect, and repressing some basic urges and instincts that make you whole. To dream of vomiting hair connects the dreamer with thoughts, knowledge and growth being repressed – a need to express how you feel.

To dream that you are vomiting indicates that you need to reject or discard an aspect of your life that is revolting. There are some emotions or concepts that you need to confront and then let go.

To see someone vomiting in your dream signifies the false pretenses of people who are trying to take advantage of you.

To dream that you are practicing voodoo suggests that you are subconsciously trying to ward off some surrounding negative energy.

To see a voodoo doll in your dream represents a primitive and shadowy aspect of yourself.

If you are doing voodoo in your life brings your attention to getting things in a wrong way. You are going against the laws of nature. If you dream of someone casting a spell over you suggests being controlled by other peoples wishes.

*Please See Whirlwind.

Dreaming that you are voting implies that you want to be a part of a major decision that will affect a group not just yourself. You want people to hear what you have to say and believe that your choice is important as well. Perhaps you feel like you do not have a say in what is going on in situations around you and your dream serves as an expression of what you desire.

To dream that you are casting a vote signifies your desire to belong to a larger group or to develop an aspect of your character on a more public level. You or someone is looking for support, approval and acceptance. The dream may also mean that you are speaking your mind and letting your voice be heard. You are demanding a say in how you should live your own life.

Voting Booth
*Please See Poll Booth.

To see a voucher in your dream symbolizes the effort and work that you have invested into some project or cause. New opportunities are being made available to you.

To dream that you are making a vow represents a promise you made that will affect others. The dream is a reaffirmation of your promise and to not let someone down. In particular, to dream that you are listening or making marriage vows signifies a commitment to your life partner.

Dreaming of making a vow does not necessarily mean marriage. It signifies that you are ready to make a dedication or promise to someone or something. If you do dream specifically of marriage vows, it indicates that you want to take the next step in your relationship and settle down with the person you love.

Going on a voyage in your dream implies that you are doing the same in your waking life. You are learning about yourself and experiencing new things. Pay attention to where you are going and how you feel about the voyage because it refers to your path in your waking life.

To dream that you are making a voyage signifies profits, self-discovery or progress. You are going through a phase of emotional self-discovery. The scenery you see on your voyage and the method of travel is reflective of your feelings, mood and circumstances that you are currently experiencing.

To dream that you are a voyeur suggests that you are afraid of your own desires and fantasies. You may also be afraid of getting close to some relationship or situation.

Do you get attracted by watching people in your dream? When dreaming that you are into voyeurism indicates you are scared of what you want sexually. You may be putting up a wall because of your fear of getting too close in a relationship.

To see a vulture in your dream symbolizes purification and insight. It suggests that your past experiences will provide you with invaluable insight into a current situation or problem. Learn from your past. Alternatively, a vulture indicates that you or someone is being opportunistic. Someone is watching you and is waiting for you to take a misstep. You feel that someone is taking advantage of you or is using you. Consider the metaphor of someone who is a "vulture". Sometimes a vulture is also a symbol of death, doom or rebirth.

To see a vulva in your dream signifies your creative energy.

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Social media scholar. Troublemaker. Twitter specialist. Unapologetic web evangelist. Explorer. Writer. Organizer.

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