
Dream Themes – Characters


To see your mother in your dream represents the nurturing aspect of your own character. Mothers offer shelter, comfort, life, guidance and protection. Some people may have problems freeing themselves from their mothers and are thus seeking their own individuality and development.

To dream that you are having a conversation with your mother, denotes a matter that has preoccupied your mind and you are not sure how to deal with it in your waking life. It indicates unresolved problems that still need to be worked out with your mother. 

To hear your mother call you in our dream suggests that you have been negligent in your duties and responsibilities.  You are pursuing down the wrong path. 

If you are not a mother in your waking life, but dream that you are a mother, then the dream is a metaphor that you need to show more of your nurturing and caring nature. You need to be more compassionate. Perhaps you are coming across as too indifferent.  


To see your mother-in-law in your dream implies that there is some unresolved issue or inner turmoil that you need to work through. Your waking relationship with your mother-in-law will prevail in this interpretation.    


To see a mummy in your dream suggests that you are feeling trapped in a situation.  You may feel that you are not being heard.   


To dream of a necromancer, signifies the threat of evil by a strange acquaintance.     


To dream of having a good neighbor, signifies enjoyment and tranquility at home. If you dream of an angry or unfriendly neighbor, then it signifies dissension and disappointment. There is a waking issue that you need to address with your neighbor. Alternatively, the dream could mean relocation from your home. Perhaps you are in need of a change of scenery.  


To dream of your nephew, represents some aspect of yourself that you need to acknowledge or recognize within yourself.  

Newspaper Reporter

To dream that you are a newspaper reporter, indicates that you are making a conscious observation of your life.    


To see a nun in your dream signifies purity, chastity and obedience. It also indicates that you need to live up to the vows and promises you have made. Alternatively, material fortune and gain may be interfering with your spirituality. Consider also the pun of being “none” or “nothing”.

If you are a woman and dream that you are a nun, then it indicates unhappiness with your current situation and environment. You are looking for an escape. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are looking for a sense of security or calmness in your life.  


To dream that you are a nurse, suggests that you need to show more compassion in a situation.

To see a nurse in your dream, means that you need to take time out in order to heal, mentally, physically and spiritually.   


To dream that you are influenced by an occultist, signifies your generosity towards the ones less fortunate and the strive to elevate their socially and economically.    


To see an officer in your dream represents your need to belong and fit in to a larger group. Alternatively, the officer may indicate your need for discipline and direction in your life. You may be seeking a higher plane for guidance.  

To dream that you are an officer, represents your leadership skills and your authoritative presence.    


To see your offspring in your dream symbolizes cheerfulness and joyous moments.    


To dream that you have an opponent, signifies an aspect of yourself in which you are in conflict with.    


To see an organist in your dream represents discipline, harmony and a higher spiritual plane.  The dream also indicates the ability to express yourself.   


To see an orphan in your dream signifies fears of abandonment and feelings of loneliness and rejection.

To dream that you are an orphan, suggests that you need to learn to be more independent and self-sufficient. Alternatively, the dream may be telling you that you have a lot of love to offer others. Don’t sell yourself short.   


To see a pallbearer in your dream denotes that you have to keep your temper in check for someone is trying to push your buttons.

To see a pallbearer carrying a coffin in your dream signifies change, whether it be a change in jobs or a change in social status.


To dream that you are a passenger, suggests that you are not in control of your life and are letting others decide for you. To see other passengers in your dream indicates that you are spending too much energy pleasing others. You may feel that others are leeching on you.  


To dream that you are a patient, suggests that you are going through a healing process. Alternatively, this dream may be a pun for you to be more patient.    


To see a pervert in your dream suggests that you are having issues with closeness in some relationship. You are trying to keep your distance in order to avoid getting hurt.   


To see a pirate in your dream signifies that some person or situation is adding chaos to your emotional life. You feel that someone has violated your integrity or creativity. Alternatively, the pirate may symbolize freedom, risk, and adventure. You want to explore new adventures and take riskier ventures.

To dream that you are a pirate, suggests that you are taking advantage of others. The dream may be a metaphor that you are “pirating” something and taking something that does not rightfully belong to you.    


To see the police in your dream symbolizes structure, rules, power, authority and control. You need to put an end to your reckless behavior or else the law will catch up to you. Alternatively, the dream refers to failure in honoring your obligation and commitments.

To dream that you are arrested by the police, suggests that you feel sexually or emotionally restrained because of guilt. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are feeling apprehensive about something.

To dream that you are a police officer, represents your own sense of morality and conscience. The dream may serve to guide you down a straight path. If you have recurring dreams that you are a police officer, then it may mean that your past actions are leaving you with guilt. Consider your behavior and actions as the cop. If your dream that you are in pursuit of a suspect, then it indicates that your naughty and devious side is in conflict with your moral standards.

To dream that you are having difficulties contacting the police,  suggests that you have yet to acknowledge your own authoritativeness in a situation. You need to take control and be in command of the direction of your life.

To dream that you are pulled over by the police, suggests that you need to slow down and take things down a notch.   


To see a pope in your dream represents your spiritual guidance, beliefs, and spiritual self. The dream serves to be an inspiration. Alternatively, it may indicate your own self-righteousness, narrow-mindedness, and holier-than-thou attitudes.  


To see the president of your country in your dream symbolizes authority, power and control. It may also represent your own personal views and opinions of the president and their actions.

To dream that you are running for president, signifies your quest for power. You have set high goals for yourself. Alternatively, the dream indicates your belief that you can do a better job if you were in charge. You have a lot of confident in your abilities.   


To see a priest in your dream represents your spiritual needs, sense of morality and religious beliefs. You are looking for some guidance. It also symbolizes chastity and abstinence. You may view sexuality as immoral.

To see a dictatorial or condemning priest in your dream signifies unyielding authority and over-protectiveness. You may feel that you are living under unreasonable rules.    


To dream that you are a prince, suggests that you are feeling important and needed. You may be admiring your own accomplishments.

To see a prince in your dream signifies your association with honor and prestige. You will be recognized for some task. Alternatively, it indicates your desires for romance. Perhaps you are waiting for your Prince Charming.  


To dream that you are a princess, indicates that you are realizing your full potential. However, there is still more growing that you need to do. It is also a symbol of youth and mental development. Alternatively, the dream may mean that that you are too demanding. Or that you are too use to getting your own way. Perhaps you are acting like a spoiled brat. 

To see a princess in your dream represents the object of your affections or desires. 

If you are male and dream of a princess, then it represents your sister or an important female figure in your life. Perhaps you feel you feel that you have come to save the day. It also suggests your desires for the ideal woman.   


To see the principal or dream that you are in the principal’s office, indicates feelings of guilt. You are expressing some anxiety over your actions and the fear that you will be exposed. Alternatively, it represents inferiority or low self esteem.   


To see a professor in your dream symbolizes higher learning and wisdom. You will have prominence in some field.    


To dream that you are a prostitute, indicates your desires for more sexual freedom/expression and sexual power. You want to be less inhibited and explore other areas of sexuality. Perhaps your waking ideology about sex is too rigid. On a negative side, to dream that you are a prostitute suggests that you are harboring feelings of guilt toward a relationship. You are having difficulties integrating love and sexuality. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor suggesting that you are “prostituting” yourself in some situation, either emotionally or morally. Are you selling yourself in some way? 

To see or dream that you are with a prostitute, suggests that you are feeling sexually deprived or needy. Alternatively, the dream is commenting on how you wished that sexual relationships were more simple and straightforward.  


To dream that you are a puppet suggests that you are trying to control or manipulate somebody.    


To dream that you are a puppeteer suggests that you are trying to control or manipulate somebody.  

Quack Doctor

To see or meet with a quack doctor in your dream means that you need to be more cautious of people who claim to be something that they are not. Someone in your waking life may be falsely building themselves up.    


To see reapers working hard in your dream denotes prosperity and pleasure.

To see an idle reaper in your dream, a discouraging event will interrupt your prosperous times.    


To see a referee in your dream signifies an inner battle between your own ideals and values and between the ideals and values of others. You are looking for a resolution to some conflict in your daily life.    


To dream that you are a refugee, refers to feelings of rejection by society. You feel emotionally isolated and that you do not belong anywhere. Alternatively, the dream means that you are trying to escape a situation or issue instead of confronting it.    


To see your relatives in your dream signify family issues or feelings. They represent some aspect of your own self.   


To dream that you have a rival indicates that you are hesitant in asserting you rights and standing up for yourself. Consequently, you are losing your credibility with others.

To dream that you have been outwitted by a rival, signifies your neglected duties or abandoned responsibilities.

To dream that you outwitted a rival suggests that you need to be more aggressive.   


To see a sailor in your dream signifies your desires for adventure, freedom and exploration. You may be ready to venture into deeper waters, particularly in personal relationships. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are confronting some emotional issue or dealing with your unconscious.   


To see a saint in your dream indicates that a special message is being given to you from the spiritual realm. Alternatively, it symbolizes your willingness to help others. Or perhaps it is you who is in need.  


To dream that you are a scientist signifies experimentation, invention, or eccentricity. You need to think outside the box. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to look at some problem more objectively and rationally. Perhaps you need to detach yourself from a situation or relationship.  

Secret Admirer

To dream that you have a secret admirer suggests that there are some unknown aspects of yourself that you need to find out about and incorporate into your character.    


To see you own shadow in your dream signifies an aspect of yourself which you have not acknowledged or recognized. It may be a quality about yourself or a part of you that you are rejecting or want to keep hidden.     


To see a shaman in your dream symbolizes a spiritual messenger or guide. The shaman is a variation of the “wise old man”, an archetypal figure who represents superior knowledge, wisdom and insight. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to turn your negative energy into something positive.   


To see a shepherd in your dream symbolizes the nurturing aspect of yourself. It represents guidance, direction, and unification.   


To see a famous singer in your dream represents harmony and some divine influence or vibrations. It indicates glorification of the human spirit. Consider also your general impression of this singer and how those specific qualities may be triggered by someone or some situation in your waking life.   


To see your sister in your dream symbolizes some aspect of your relationship with her, whether it one of sibling rivalry, nurturance, protectiveness, etc. Your sister may draw attention to your family role. Or the dream may also serve to remind you that someone in your waking life has characteristics similar to your sister. Alternatively, your sister may be a metaphor for a nun. In this case, she may represent some spiritual issues.

If you do not have a sister and dream that you have one, then it signifies feminine qualities that you need to activate or acknowledge within your own self. Pay attention to the actions and behavior of your dream sister.  


To see or dream that you are a soldier in your dream signifies discipline, structure, rigidity and your staunch attitude. You may be imposing your opinions and feelings on others. Alternatively, you are preparing yourself to do battle over an issue. You feel the need to defend your beliefs, values and opinions.

To dream that you are an ex-soldier, represents your ability to yield in your decisions and your way of thinking. You need to change your approach toward your goal.    


To see your son in your dream signifies your ideal, hopes, potential, and the youthful part of yourself. On the other hand, to see your son in your dream may not have any significance and is simply mirroring your waking life. The dream may also be a pun on “sun”.

If you don’t have a son and dream that you are searching for him, represents the undeveloped masculine aspect of your own self. You need to acknowledge the youth and child in you.   


To see your son-in-law in your dream means that you are going with the flow. You don’t like to cause trouble or create disagreements.   


To see or talk to spirits in your dream signify your fears about death. The spirits may be trying to guide you through some issues or problems . Pay particular attention to the spirits as they provide an answer to a waking problem. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on your uplifted spirit and enthusiasm for some matter.    


To see a stranger in your dream symbolizes the part of yourself that is repressed and hidden.    


To dream that you are a student, indicates that there is something you need better understanding of. Or there is some learning you need to do in order to get ahead in life. If you are a student in real life, then the dream may just be a reflection of who you are.   


To dream that you are a superhero, represents your above-average talents, ideas, and other hidden abilities that you may not realize you possessed. Alternatively, the dream is an indicator of some extraordinary problem or issue that you are trying to deal with in your waking life.   


To see a tailor in your dream represents your abilities and creativity. The dream may also be a pun on the need to “tailor” your actions or behavior in order to fit in.    


To see your teacher (past or present) in your dream suggests that you are seeking some advice, guidance, or knowledge. You are heading into a new path in life and are ready to learn by example or from a past experience. Consider your own personal experiences with that particular teacher. What subject was taught? Alternatively, a teacher relates to issues with authority and seeking approval. You may be going through a situation in your waking life where you feel that you are being treated like a student or in which you feel you are being put to a test. 

To dream that you are a teacher, indicates that you are in a position of disseminating your knowledge and wisdom to others.  The dream may imply how  you are “teaching someone a lesson” and giving them a hard time about something. If you are a teacher in real life, then the dream is just a reflection of who you are and is about your work. 

To dream that you are having sex with a teacher, implies that there are still things you need to learn when it comes to sex.  


To dream that you are a thief, suggests that you are afraid of losing what you have. Perhaps you feel that you are undeserving of the things you already have. Alternatively, you may  be overstepping your boundaries in some situation or relationship.

To dream that you are a witness to a theft or a victim of theft, indicates that others are wasting your time and stealing energy and ideas. Perhaps you feel robbed in some way.   


To see tourist in your dream indicates how you are in a position to provide help to others.

To dream that you are a tourist, suggests that you are unsure of your surroundings and environment. Perhaps you are feeling a little lost in the world. Alternatively, it indicates that you are ready to explore hidden and unknown aspects of yourself. You are welcoming the changes that are occurring. 


To dream that you are or accused of being a traitor, signify self guilt. You may have done something that you are not proud of.

To see a traitor in your dream suggests that you are feeling let down. Those around you may have disappointed you in some way.   


To dream that you are transsexual, symbolizes your anxieties or ambivalence about masculine/feminine roles or passive/aggressive behavior. You may be reluctant in dealing with these issues.  If you are considering or awaiting transsexual surgery, then the dream may represent your anxieties and fears about the surgery, recovery, and life after surgery. 

To see a transsexual in your dream indicates that the feminine and masculine aspects of your Self has been damaged. You may be unwilling to confront your shadow self.    


To see a trickster in your dream signifies deceit or a cruel and cynical side of your own character. The trickster may appear in your dream to create havoc in your life or just to break up the monotony.    


To see triplets in your dream suggests that you need to consider the physical, the emotional and the spiritual aspects of a situation or decison.    


To see twins in your dream signify ambivalence, dualities or opposites. You are either in harmony with or in conflict with your ideas and decisions. Alternatively, twins represent security in business, faithfulness, and contentment with life.

To see twins fighting in your dream represent a conflict between the opposites of your psyche. One twin signifies emergence of subconscious material and suppressed feelings, while the other twin represents the conscious mind.  There is some situation that you are not confronting.

To dream that you are giving birth to fraternal twins implies that your creative mind is clashing with your personal beliefs. Something or someone is pulling you in opposite directions.   


To see an uncle in your dream represents some aspect of your family heritage and traits. It may also symbolize new ideas and emerging awareness. Consider the idiom “say uncle” to mean surrender or admitting defeat.  


To dream that you are a vagrant, suggests that you are trying to escape from the confines of social expectations. It may also indicate your current condition of poverty and misery.

To speak and give to a vagrant, symbolizes your generosity. You are surrounded by valuable friends.   


To see a vampire in your dream symbolizes seduction, sensuality, and death. The vampire represents contrasting images of civilized nobility and aggression/ferocity. Alternatively, to see a vampire suggests that you are feeling physically or emotionally drained. The vampire may also be symbolic for someone who is addicted to drugs or someone in an obsessive relationship.

To dream that you are a vampire, signifies that you are sucking in the life energy of others for your own selfish benefit.    


To see a ventriloquist in your dream symbolizes deception, fraud or some treasonable issue affecting you in a negative way.

To dream that you are a ventriloquist, signifies dishonorable conduct and deception towards people who trusted you. There is a part of yourself that you are not revealing. Alternatively, you are trying to influence, manipulating, or control people around you.    


To see a vicar in your dream suggests that you need to recognize your spiritual needs.   


To dream that you are a victim, suggests  that you are being oppressed and overpowered by others. Such dreams suggest that you are feeling powerless and helpless in a waking situation. Or you are unwilling to take responsibility for your choices.

To dream that you victimize others, foretells wealth via dishonorable means.    


To have a visitor in your dream signifies that some news or information is on its way to you. It may also indicate that love is around the corner. Alternatively, it suggests that you are experiencing a new phase in your life. If the visitor is unwelcome, then it indicates your refusal to change.

To dream that you are a visitor, suggests that you need to look at the big picture or overall view on some issue. You need to gain a wider perspective on things. 


To see or dream that you are a waif, indicates feelings of insecurity. You are feeling unsure of yourself and where you are headed.

To see a waif model in your dream represents the unrealistic goals you have for yourself. Alternatively, it symbolizes your issues with weight.   


To dream that you are a waiter or waitress, indicates that you are too busy catering to the needs and demands of others, instead of your own. You feel that you are under appreciated as you wait on others hand and foot. You need to be more assertive and stand up for yourself. Consider the quality of service that you are giving for additional significance.

To see a waiter in your dream indicates that you need to be nurtured and to feel special. The dream may also be a pun  to be patient. Learn to wait.  

Washer Woman

To see or dream that you are a washerwoman in your dream, implies that you need help to clean up your act. You need to accept assistance. Remember that you can not do everything all by yourself.   

Water Carrier

To see a water carrier in your dream signifies favorable prospects in fortune and love.

To dream that you are a water carrier, foretells that you will rise above your current position.    


To see a werewolf in your dream indicates that something in your life is not what it seems. 

To dream that you are a werewolf, suggests that some aspects of your personality are hurtful and even dangerous to your own well-being. You are headed down an undesirable path.  

Wet Nurse

To see or have a wet nurse in your dream, refers to your inability to provide for your family. You are feeling inadequate. 

To dream that you are a wet nurse, suggests that you need to be careful in who you trust and who you confide in.  


If you are not actually a widow, but dream that you are a widow, then it represents loneliness, neglect, or sadness. You are feeling isolated or abandoned. Alternatively, the dream refers to your ability to be free and independent.   


To see your wife in your dream signifies discord and unresolved issues. Pay attention to how you feel in the dream as it may highlight feelings that you are not expressing in your waking life. If you do not actually have a wife, then your dream wife symbolizes the feminine aspects of yourself. Perhaps you may even be expressing a desire to be in a committed relationship. Or the dream may just be a reflection of your waking life and bear no real significance. 

To dream about your husband’s deceased wife suggests that you are trying to connect with your husband in the same way that she connected with him. You can’t help comparing yourself to her.  


To see a witch in your dream represents evil, destructive, and dangerous feminine forces.  It may point to your negative ideas of anything feminine and your experiences with heartless women. Alternatively, a witch can also be a symbol of goodness, power and enchantment depending on your feeling toward your dream witch.   


To see a wizard in your dream suggests that you are trying to hone your skills and exercise your power.   


To see a woman in your dream represents nurturance, passivity, caring nature, and love. It refers to your own female aspects or may also represent your mother. Alternatively, it may indicate temptation and guilt. If you know the woman, then it may symbolize the concerns and feelings you have about her. 

To see an old woman in your dream indicates your concerns about aging and growing old. Alternatively, the old woman may be an archetypal figure to symbolize wisdom, insight, and/or feminine power. If you dream that the old woman is blind, then the dream is telling you to go with your gut instincts. Sometimes you can’t see what is going on, but you still sense it.

Dreaming of a pregnant woman indicates that you are experiencing a closer connection to her.  


To see workmen in your dream signifies that you need to work on yourself and explore your mind. There is an aspect of yourself that has yet to acknowledge or utilized.     


To dream that you are a zombie, denotes that you are physically and/or emotionally detached from people and situations that are currently surrounding you. You are out of touch.    

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Social media scholar. Troublemaker. Twitter specialist. Unapologetic web evangelist. Explorer. Writer. Organizer.

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