Help Us Choose the Best Campus Novel of All Time
Last year, you helped us decide the saddest book of all time in our March Sadness bracket. Now we’re back again with yet another pun-based book competition: March Gradness, a quest to find the best campus novel out there.
You may be asking yourself: how long could they possibly keep this up? Surely there are only so many book-themed March Madness puns they can make? But don’t underestimate us—we’re just getting started!
Voting will begin Monday, 3/24 at 12 PM Eastern, and this year, we have a couple new twists:
Firstly, we have prizes! Download the bracket here, fill it out with your picks, then email it to us at by 9 AM Eastern on Monday, 3/24 as a .pdf, .jpg, or .png file, using subject line BRACKET: followed by the title of the book you’ve chosen as the winner (e.g., “BRACKET: The Secret History”). The person whose bracket is closest to the real results will win a free manuscript consultation with an EL editor and a Reading into Everything tote! Two runners-up will each receive a tote as well. We’ll reach out to our winners the week after results are in.

Secondly, we have a new way to cast your votes. While you’ll still be able to vote in our Instagram stories as usual, you’ll also have the option of casting your votes right here on! Stop by Monday at noon Eastern to vote in Round One.
Below is a sneak peak of the Round One match-ups, featuring 64 of the best campus novels out there, ranging from classics to contemporary takes on the genre.
Round 1 – Lefthand Side

The Secret History vs. The Maidens

Ninth House vs. The Magicians

If We Were Villains vs. The World Cannot Give

Sirens & Muses vs. Voice Like a Hyacinth

Transcendent Kingdom vs. The Secret Place

The Starboard Sea vs. Old School

The Vanishers vs. I Have Some Questions for You

Never Let Me Go vs. The Incendiaries

The Name of the World vs. Skippy Dies

Stargazer vs. Special Topics in Calamity Physics

The Rules of Attraction vs. The Art of Fielding

Talent vs. We Wish You Luck

On Beauty vs. I Am Charlotte Simmons

The Adult vs. Harvard Square

All Is Forgotten, Nothing Is Lost vs. Possession

Prep vs. Foster Dade Explores the Cosmos
Round 1 – Righthand Side

The Groves of Academe vs. Stoner

The Ask vs. Dear Committee Members

My Education vs. Trust Exercise

A Separate Peace vs. Tell Them to Be Quiet and Wait

Galatea 2.2 vs. Groundskeeping

Chemistry vs. Disorientation

Vladimir vs. Blue Angel

The Human Stain vs. The Laughter

Normal People vs. Sweet Days of Discipline

The Idiot vs. Either/Or

Wonder Boys vs. The Book of Goose

Real Life vs. The Late Americans

Come & Get It vs. Straight Man

True Biz vs. The Marriage Plot

Admission vs. The Devil and Webster

Bunny vs. All’s Well
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