Hubert’s Bizarre Band
Read along with the animated book
© Storyberries 2025
Practice, Motivation, Trying, Trying New Things
1. The animals in this story are great at making music on their own. Why do you think they need to practice making music together?
2. Do you think it was a good idea for them to try making a band? Why or why not?
3. What did the animals do after getting audience feedback? Was this a good way to respond? Why or why not?

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Bedtime Story for Kids by David A. Miller
Illustrated by Faishal Aziz
Edited by Jade Maitre
Music video from “Vegas Glitz” Kevin MacLeod (, “Bumbly March” Kevin MacLeod (, “Bummin on Tremelo” Kevin MacLeod (, “Celebration” Kevin MacLeod (, “Divertimento K131” Kevin MacLeod (, “Chipper” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License,
The post Hubert’s Bizarre Band first appeared on Bedtime Stories.