Whip-Poor-Will Lullaby
Whip-poor-will Lullaby (1899) was composed and written by Bertha L. Hamlin. Music retrieved from New York Public Library Digital Collections
Lul-la-by, Lul-la-by, Lul-la-by,
Mother sings, Cradle swings,
While the moon hangeth low
Baby sleep, angels keep
Watch o’er all things below,
While the lone whip-poor-will
on his rock by the sea
Lul-la-by, Lul-la-by, Lul-la-by,
Shadows creep, O’er the deep,
From their home by the sea,
Whip-poor-will keeps his watch,
With my baby and me,
Looking out for a sail,
coming over the sea.