
Nino Popiashvili – Woman writer – Georgian literary experience

From the beginning of mankind till today woman has been a source of inspiration; however woman’s role in social, political, economic and other important spheres has been subject of dispute. Development  of  society  has  caused  women  to  feel  more  self-conscious.  In  addition,  men  and women’s roles and social stereotypes have been reconsidered and new conclusions, viewpoints and attitudes have been established.

After the commencement of politically motivated women’s movement in the 60s of the 20th century, some viewpoints about a woman’s role have been altered in literature and scholarly world. On the one hand, women authors’ emancipated literature appeared which were created on the basis of women’s stories. On the other hand, there emerged feminist literary theory, which established the concept of female author (femininity, as an ethic category) in literary theory (English- Femininity, German – die Weiblichkeit, Russian – Женственность).

According  to  feminist  criticism,  women  writers’  texts  are  distinguished  as  they  expose experience,  emotions  and,  in  general,  thoughts  motivated  by  women.  The  emergence  and development of feminist literature  was politically conditioned in its basis. The primary aim of this theory  was  to  motivate  women  and  facilitate  their  literary  activities  by  means  of  critical  analysis, even with conscious marginal preconditions.

In parallel with studies oriented on women, in the last decade scholars started to draw their attention to gender studies.  Like in feminist literary studies, here emphasis is made on the issue of role  distribution  between  men  and  women  which  is  not  based  on  biological  sex-distinction.  If  in feminist  literary  studies  biological  difference  is  represented  by  an  English  term  –  sex,  in  gender studies  it  became  possible  to  determine  social  and  cultural  components.  Nowadays,  a  term  taken from grammar – gender is widely used.

Unlike  feminist  studies,  the  main  concern  of  gender  studies  is  not  the  issue  of  femininity. Gender  definitions  in  socio-cultural,  historical  and  public  discourse  are  represented  as  the  main objective of gender studies.  Currently, term gender is equally used in humanities and social sciences as well as law and economics. Each field defines the term in accordance to its specificity.  

If we consider literature as continuation of collective, folklore texts and have a look through ancient era, it will become obvious that female authors coexisted among numerous men writers. As it is known, Greek poet Sappho was named by Plato among top 10 writers.

In medieval centuries, churches and monasteries served as main educational institutions where it was possible to  acquire  basic literacy skills  and read books. For women there were only limited possibilities  and  mainly  in  Europe.  They  could  acquire  the  profession  of  a  nanny  (governess)  and become educated to some extent.

In the era of renaissance and humanism, when individuality of a human being, self-cognition and  the  desire  to  take  insight  into  oneself  rose,  there  emerged  some  possibilities  for  women  to become educated. They started to make education available for both sexes as it was envisaged as a precondition for humanistic relations in family. For example, Agrippa Von Nettesheim and Erasmus Von Rotterdam supported the availability of education for women.

Despite the fact that through creative works women strived to display a universe perceived by women  and  based  on  their  own  experiences,  women’s  fiction  writings  were  not  appropriately perceived.  Women writers’ works had to be evaluated from the perspective of women readers and women  critics.  Only  in  that  case  it  was  possible  to  see  the  real  and  genuine  thoughts  of  women writers.    Only  women’s  society  was  able  to  comprehend  women  writer’s  texts,  feel  their  thoughts and meanings, which was unachievable by that time.

 In order to defend their own ideas and opinions and preserve their works and provoke positive opinions among readers, many women writers had to avoid  their names and write under male pen-names.    In  the  18th  and  19th  centuries  women  wrote  anonymously,  without  signing  their  works  or they wrote under male pen-name. This was the only way for most women to penetrate into literary world which was legitimate only for men.

From the beginning of the 20th century a number of formal-legislative amendments were made concerning  women’s  issue.  High  schools  for  girls  were  founded,  which  made  it  possible  to  get higher  education,  a  lot  of  professions  and  work  places  became  available  for  women  which  were previously  occupied  only  by  men.  In  the  20s  of  the  20th  century  women  were  granted  the  right  to vote. Correspondingly, social changes were reflected in women writers’ creative works.   

It  is  worth  mentioning  that  since  women’s  writing  became  a  discrete  area  of  literary  studies there  emerged  a  need  to  divide  their  works  into  periods  and  define  their  historical-cultural characteristics. According to some scholars, in spite of the fact that women’s writings are wide and belong to different historical periods, their study should be started from the period of activation of women’s movement, in other words from the period when women writers commenced to create their writings  consciously  and  from  the  position  of  women  writers,  with  new  literary  viewpoints  where woman’s position, her universe, viewpoints, perspectives and interests where highlighted.    As it is known  there  were  times  when  woman  only  participated  in  literary  processes,  when  there  was  no gender  definition  in  literary  studies,  when  woman  was  obliged  to  be  only  participant  of  literary processes, which was dominantly masculine, when woman even had to write under male pen-name in  order her texts  to  be  adequately perceived and attention to  be drawn. It  is  obvious that women writings of that time could not reflect the nature and literary content which was peculiar for women writings  later.  However,  in  spite  of  the  above  mentioned,  creative  works  of  women  writers  are frequently  analyzed  by  taking  into  consideration  common  features,  existing  historical  and  social factors.  

In  comparison  to  Western  literature,  Eastern  literature  with  its  traditions and  dichotomy  was much more “masculine”. It is primarily conditioned by eastern nature. Woman, an object of love and obedience, only rarely managed to  literary transform her interests, desires and longings and reflect them in literature. East  was more austere towards women and this attitude could be traced back to religion.    

The  issue  of  women  authors,  the  place  and  role  of  gender-marked  literature  in  Georgian literature  is  completely  unstudied.  The  manifold  nature  of  the  issue,  in  addition  historical  and contemporary processes which exist in Georgian literature serve as a proof that this issue should be thoroughly studied in future.            

Fiction  and  Literature  are  the  world  of  the  author,  the  creator,  which  is  full  of  the author’s  perception  of  the  world,  the  author’s  ideas,  impressions,  attitudes,  desires,  goals  and intentions  and  many  more  features  that  are  outlined  in  Fiction.  Sensations,  performances  and attitudes  are  universal  and  do  not  vary  due  to  gender.  Literary  text  equally  accommodates  in general,  universal,  common  desires  and  expectations  of  both  women  and  men,  ,  but  often,  a woman-author’s  perceived  world  is  more  delicate  artistically  and  differs  from  the  text  by  the member  of  “the  stronger  sex”;  it  as  much  more  emotional  and  colorful,  and  text  has  different architectonics, content, beginning and ending as well.

If  we  appeal  to  the  literary  traditions  and  remember,  we  will  see  that  the  authors  of Georgia  and  elsewhere,  for  centuries  were  mostly  men.  In  Georgian  literature,  women’s literature begins by  Queen Borena (in the eleventh century, the wife of Georgian King Bagrat the fourth, the daughter of Ossetian King). She dedicated a verse in iambic pentameter to Saint Mary. Queen Borena’s iambic verse is very sophisticated and an important form of art. In early times iambic pentameter had a very simple form, but Queen Borena’s verse is well-formulated and refined to perfection.

Naturally,  many  of  the  feminine  works  did  not  survive  and  reach  us.  We  can  only assume that the authors in Georgian literature were also women authors. Georgian literary law for various reasons is not favorable to women, although Georgian princesses (The daughters of the  king  Erekle  II:  Ketevan,  Mariam  and  Tekla  Princesses)  poetic  creations  should  be mentioned.  Here  it  is  clear  that  the  romantic  tendencies,  which,  as  has  been  recognized,  on grounds of nationality laid the foundation of Georgian romanticism.

After  the  loss  of  independence  and  Russia’s  accession  became  an  uncured  pain  for Georgian  intelligence.  Among  them  were  women.  Women  participated  in  the  1832  coup  in which was intended to struggle for Georgia’s independence.

It should be noted that in Georgia in the second half of the nineteenth century Women’s movement  started  to  exist,  which  aimed  at  expanding  women’s  rights.  In  this  regard,  worth mentioning is the activities of Barbare Eristavi-Jorjadze. Barbara was twelve years old when she was married. The young woman was totally unprepared for this stage of life , but she obeyed her fate; They settled in Gremi, with her husband a former military officer, Zakaria  Jorjadze. As a young woman she already became mother of  three children ( Michael, Noshrevani,  Manana). Barbare Jorjadze frequently published articles in the newspaper ” Iveria ” on a variety of social issues, trying to express an opinion on women’s rights , which caused an aggressive reaction in men.  

Georgian  Women’s  Movement  as  a  political  phenomenon  did  not  exist,  although  it should be noted that in 1919 , the first democratic elections in the Republic of Georgia, the right to vote was given to all citizens above 20 years old , regardless of gender or national origin. As we can see , the role of women spurred in the twentieth century and the twenty-first century already saw the further strengthening of the role of women.

Female authors, or women-writers were needed by the Soviet Georgia almost as that of women  tractorists,  or,  women  drivers.  Therefore,  along  with  A.Machavariani’s,  Michael Kvlividze’s Otar Chiladze’s poems and novels were published Anna Mkheidze’s stories (Journal Tsiskari, 1981, #2), along with Besik Kharanauli and Jansug Charkviani – Malvina Mukbaniani’s and  Janeta  Koridze’s  stories  (Journal  Tsiskari,  1981,  #9).  Collections,  verses,  short  stories  and even novels by women authors were being published, but it is not surprising that men produced more than women.   

Literature  –  loving  women  were  mainly  involved  in  scientific  research,  became  post-graduate  students  or  candidates,  defended  their  thesis  and  then,  in  the  best  case,  were  higher educational  lecturers  and  even  they  remembered  their  poetry-literary  sentiments,  they  were fully committed to teaching Western literature and history of Georgian literature. However, it must  be  said  that  there  are  good  drivers,  including  women  and  there  are  really  good  women writers,  including  in  the  Soviet  Georgia.  Women  author  as  a  separate  identity  is  identified  in post-Soviet Georgian literature.

The  activation  of  women  writers  on  literary  arena  in  the  post-Soviet  era  became necessary due to the values and stories that the women had to tell. Woman, as a condition, and woman as the problem became the subject of a separate interest.

The feminine factor of Female authors in many cases is completely clear, in some cases, there is no boundary between men’s and women’s creativity. The role and purpose is often more apparent in the case of women. Feelings and desires in a woman’s compassion, and a key feature of  the  main  women  author.  Therefore,  their  creations  are  experiencing  a  variety  of  emotions and feelings, the only woman have.


Khamenei 2003  Sosan Jafari Parast Khamenei, Zu den Weiblichkeitsbildern im islamischen Fundamentalismus und deren  Entgrenzung  in  der  modernen  iranischen  Prosa  am  Beispiel  der  Werke  von  Scharnusch Parsipur,  Inauguraldissertation  zur  Erlangung  der  Doktorwürde  am  Fachbereich  III  Sprach-  und Literaturwissenschaften  der  Universität  Gesamthochschule  Siegen,  Berlin,  im  September  2003, urn:nbn:de:hbz:467-774

Laakoff 1975 Laakoff, R. T. Language and woman*s place. New York: Harper & Row, 1975

Маслова 2001 Маслова В. Лингвокультурология, Для студентов высших учебных заведений, Москва, 2001,
УДК 008(100)(075.8) ББК 81.2-5я73 М31

Peters 1988 Peters ursula, Religiöse Erfahrung als literarisches Faktum. Zur Vorgeschichte und Genese
frauenmystischer Texte des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts. Tübingen 1988.

Richter-Schroeder 1986 Richter-Schroeder  Karin,  Frauenliteratur  und  weibliche  Identitaet,  Frankfurt  am  Mein,
Hain, 1986

Schlieker 2003 Kerstin Schlieker, Frauenreisen in den Orient zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts (Weibliche
Strategien  der  Erfahrung  und  textuellen  Vermittlung  kultureller  Fremde,  Disertation  zur
erlangung  akademischen  Grades  eines  Doktors  der  Philosophie  der  Philosophischen
Fakultaeten der Universitaet des Saarlandes), Verkag fuer Wissenschaft und Kultur, 2003.

Tsiskari 1981 Literary Journal Tsiskari, Tbilisi 1981, #2

Tsiskari 1984 Literary Journal Tsiskari, Tbilisi 1984, #9

Nino Popiahvili – Woman writer – Georgian literary experience

From the beginning of mankind till today woman has been a source of inspiration; however woman’s role in social, political, economic and other important spheres has been subject of dispute. Development  of  society  has  caused  women  to  feel  more  self-conscious.  In  addition,  men  and women’s roles and social stereotypes have been reconsidered and new conclusions, viewpoints and attitudes have been established.

After the commencement of politically motivated women’s movement in the 60s of the 20th century, some viewpoints about a woman’s role have been altered in literature and scholarly world. On the one hand, women authors’ emancipated literature appeared which were created on the basis of women’s stories. On the other hand, there emerged feminist literary theory, which established the concept of female author (femininity, as an ethic category) in literary theory (English- Femininity, German – die Weiblichkeit, Russian – Женственность).

According  to  feminist  criticism,  women  writers’  texts  are  distinguished  as  they  expose experience,  emotions  and,  in  general,  thoughts  motivated  by  women.  The  emergence  and development of feminist literature was politically conditioned in its basis. The primary aim of this theory  was  to  motivate  women  and  facilitate  their  literary  activities  by  means  of  critical  analysis, even with conscious marginal preconditions.

The  issue  of  women  authors,  the  place  and  role  of  gender-marked  literature  in  Georgian literature  is  completely  unstudied.  The  manifold  nature  of  the  issue,  in  addition  historical  and contemporary processes which exist in Georgian literature serve as a proof that this issue should be thoroughly studied in future.            

Fiction  and  Literature  are  the  world  of  the  author,  the  creator,  which  is  full  of  the author’s  perception  of  the  world,  the  author’s  ideas,  impressions,  attitudes,  desires,  goals  and intentions  and  many  more  features  that  are  outlined  in  Fiction.  Sensations,  performances  and attitudes  are  universal  and  do  not  vary  due  to  gender.  Literary  text  equally  accommodates  in general,  universal,  common  desires  and  expectations  of  both  women  and  men,  ,  but  often,  a woman-author’s  perceived  world  is  more  delicate  artistically  and  differs  from  the  text  by  the member  of  “the  stronger  sex”;  it  as  much  more  emotional  and  colorful,  and  text  has  different architectonics, content, beginning and ending as well.

Literature  –  loving  women  were  mainly  involved  in  scientific  research,  became  post-graduate  students  or  candidates,  defended  their  thesis  and  then,  in  the  best  case,  were  higher educational  lecturers  and  even  they  remembered  their  poetry-literary  sentiments,  they  were fully committed to teaching Western literature and history of Georgian literature. However, it must  be  said  that  there  are  good  drivers,  including  women  and  there  are  really  good  women writers,  including  in  the  Soviet  Georgia.  Women  author  as  a  separate  identity  is  identified  in post-Soviet Georgian literature.

The  activation  of  women  writers  on  literary  arena  in  the  post-Soviet  era  became necessary due to the values and stories that the women had to tell. Woman, as a condition, and woman as the problem became the subject of a separate interest.

The feminine factor of Female authors in many cases is completely clear, in some cases, there is no boundary between men’s and women’s creativity. The role and purpose is often more apparent in the case of women. Feelings and desires in a woman’s compassion, and a key feature of  the  main  women  author.  Therefore,  their  creations  are  experiencing  a  variety  of  emotions and feelings, the only woman have.

Key Words:

Woman writer, Georgian literature, feminist criticism.


Social media scholar. Troublemaker. Twitter specialist. Unapologetic web evangelist. Explorer. Writer. Organizer.

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