
Trump Is Just Threatening to Do Something Stupid as a Terrible Negotiation Tactic

“The president also repeated suggestions that the U.S. could come to control Gaza, but he said that it wouldn’t require committing funds and would come to fruition. He also said that would be possible ‘under the U.S. authority,’ without elaborating what that actually was… ‘We’re not going to buy anything. We’re going to have it,’ Mr. Trump said of U.S. control in Gaza.” – CBS News

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Come on, how many times does he need to do this before you liberal birdbrains get it? Trump only threatens to do the stupidest, most globe-destabilizing stuff you’ve ever heard as a terrible negotiation tactic.

You realize he’d never actually do it, right? Whether he’s threatening to invade Greenland, invade Panama, bomb Mexico, take over the Gaza Strip, or annex Canada, it’s all just noise to force world leaders to go, “Wow, OK,” and then do whatever it is they were going to do anyway. Anyone can see that the only reason Trump is floating these catastrophically dumb ideas is to ensure the United States finally gets what it deserves—a sort of confused, pitying look and whatever geopolitical trinket will make us shut up.

Sure, right now it may seem “smart” to criticize Trump’s proposal to displace two million people throughout the Middle East so he can build a beach resort. But you guys will look like fools when Trump comes back with absolutely nothing to show for it but increased hatred and resentment for the US across the Arab world.

Opening negotiations with the first heap of idiotic garbage that pops into your head is just how the masters like Trump gain jackshit for leverage. All of us conservatives who actually know a thing or two about being complete dog shit at business understand that. If you want the rest of the world to respect you, you must be tough. You have to be smart. And I can’t think of anything tougher or smarter than unwittingly calling for Palestinian genocide on social media, or threatening to tank your own economy only to back down the second Canada asks you to.

It’s like all of you blue-pilled dimwits are still playing checkers while Trump is playing a new type of four-dimensional chess where in order to win, you have to lose in the most humiliating way possible.

Think about it: Ever since the Iraq War and the global financial crisis, America’s influence has been waning. To restore our once great reputation, we need a guy like Trump out there threatening to do things ten times worse than the Iraq War and the global financial crisis at least once a week.

It’s like, duh, idiots.

All of you lefty schmucks calling for the president to “be realistic” and “say things that make sense” are missing the point. America is getting royally screwed in all these deals. Trump understands that sometimes, you need to come out with something huge to shake up the status quo, even if the “something huge” is a comic-book-ass plan to take over North America, and the new status quo is that everything is the same, just worse.

Look, even if Trump did follow through on any of his wild ideas, cooler heads in the administration would sand off the Trumpian edges until it looks like a lousier version of what our policy already is. And before you say, “That sounds stupid,” let me remind you that the upside is nothing whatsoever.

Trust me, it’s all part of his grand scheme. Trump clearly exists on a different plane than the rest of us, which is a huge advantage when in high-stakes talks with nuclear-armed countries.

So go ahead, clutch your pearls about Trump’s deeply stupid and needlessly risky negotiation methods. You’ll be praising them once you see what it’s like to be a pawn in a doomed trade war or a pawn in a doomed actual war.


Social media scholar. Troublemaker. Twitter specialist. Unapologetic web evangelist. Explorer. Writer. Organizer.

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