
The Secret Meaning of 60 Common Dreams, According to Experts


11. What does it mean when you dream about someone?

Pensive woman

If you dream about someone you like (or even love!) it could just go to show how passionate you are about them. But there’s also some nuance here. If you dream your partner is with someone else, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve been unfaithful. It could simply mean you no longer feel as passionate about your life as the people around you seem to feel about theirs.

12. What does it mean when you die in a dream?

Woman lying on ground

If you die in a dream, or feel like you’re dying, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re afraid of dying in life or have a terminal illness you didn’t realize you had. It may just mean that something in your life is coming to an end: “Dreaming about death often means that you feel something is coming to an end in your life,” dream analyst and the host of The Dream Show podcast, Jane Teresa Anderson, told “But that being said, how you react to the death in the dream can mean different things.”

13. What does it mean when you die in a dream, but feel peaceful about it?

Woman lying on floor with eyes closed

If you experience death in a dream but feel at peace, “you have an ‘out with the old and in with the new’ attitude” and “it could be something that you’re ready to let go from,” according to Anderson.

14. What does it mean when you dream about being scared of dying?

Woman being chased through woods

Alternately, if you feel a pang of anxiety or even panic at the thought of death in your dream, Anderson told the outlet that it may be that “you’re not quite there yet” and uncomfortable with letting go.

15. What does it mean when you dream your teeth are falling out?

Closeup on pulled tooth

It may be that events in your life are swirling around you or that you’ve lost a job and with it, your feeling of being in control. The result might be that you dream of losing your teeth. Psychologist Ian Wallace told The Independent, “Your teeth symbolize how confident and powerful you feel, so some situation is causing your confidence to crumble in waking life.”

16. What does it mean when you dream about birds?

Raven on tree branch

This dream could mean you’re hoping to hear from someone. Birds have been symbols of delivering information going back centuries, and their appearance in your dreams could be an indication that you are expecting to hear from someone or receive a message. Psychologist and dream expert Michael Lennox wrote in his book Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream that these beliefs go back to Nordic mythology, where Odin, the head of the pantheon, was accompanied by a pair of all-seeing ravens that “would travel through the world of men and bring back important information.”

17. What does it mean when you dream you’re on a plane?

Confident woman selects music on smartphone to listen to during her flight. She is smiling cheerfully while wearing earbuds.

If you’re dreaming of flying in a plane, your dream is trying to tell you that you are feeling the effects of fast changes in your life. Lennox wrote, “Because of the dramatic way an airplane leaves the ground and speeds toward a destination, it is connected with any sudden transition in life.” It may not just be alerting you to the changes you’re going through, but that change “is needed or wished for.” He continued, “As a plane is our world’s fastest mode of public transportation, it connects symbolically to those moments in life where change is rapid and total.”

18. What does it mean if you dream that one of your limbs is gone?

Man with prosthetic leg lifting a barbell

Lennox’s book also notes that amputations or missing limbs are a typical theme that appear in dreams and indicate some sense of lacking in ability or mobility. If you’re missing feet, it “relates to an inability to be grounded on your path, whereas missing an entire leg or both legs connects to being completely stopped on your path.”

19. What does it mean when you dream you’ve (literally) lost your head?

Woman waking up from a nightmare

A more extreme absence that you might experience in a dream is the loss of your head. According to Lennox, that’s a sign of “an eradication of a thought process, or to your sense of identity.”

20. What does it mean when you dream you’re in bed with a coworker?

Businessman and businesswoman talking

If you are being intimate with a coworker in your dream, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a crush on them. Anderson said that it more indicates that they have “positive qualities you admire” and “welcome in your own life.”

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