
The Secret Meaning of 60 Common Dreams, According to Experts


31. What does it mean when you dream you’re searching for someone?

Woman in garden calling for someone

If you dream you’re searching for someone, it may not have to do with that person, specifically. “When we search for other people in our dreams, we are trying to reconnect with aspects of our own identities that we have lost touch with,” Wallace explained.

32. What does it mean when you dream you have suddenly become very wealthy?

Man taking money out of his wallet

If you have a dream about striking it rich or winning the lottery, you’re feeling pretty good about life or have gained a “sudden awareness of the richness of the self,” according to Wallace. “This richness can be an understanding of the wisdom the dreamer has gained, or a realization of their value to others.” In other words, not so much material as spiritual wealth.

33. What does it mean when you dream that you’re falling in love?

Young men on a date at a beach boardwalk

If you dream of falling in love or a having a passionate tryst, it may be because you lack this kind of intimacy and passion in your waking life. Wallace has said that dreaming about falling in love “can be triggered when we are about to fall in love with a potential lover in our waking life, or in an existing relationship, where inadequate love is being received and our uniqueness seems to be ignored.”

34. What does it mean when you dream that you’re falling?

Man falling off cliff in a dream

We’ve all likely felt the sensation of falling in a dream. Though this might make you think that you need to get a tighter grip and hang on, according to Wallace, the opposite is true. It’s a sign that “you are hanging on too tightly to a particular situation in waking life. You need to relax and let go of it.”

35. What does it mean when you dream that you’re flying?

Man in suit flying

While falling is an indication that something is amiss, flying in a dream is usually a sign that you’ve freed yourself from something frustrating or difficult. Wallace explained that the feeling of flying “suggests that you have released yourself from circumstances that have been weighing you down in waking life… Although you may regard this feeling of liberation as just luck or coincidence, it is usually because you have managed to make a weighty decision or risen above the limitations of a heavy responsibility.”

36What does it mean when you dream you’re flying, but there’s an obstacle?

Sleeping woman in bed floating through a starry sky
Yuganov Konstantin/Shutterstock

Flying might not always be a pleasant experience, however. If you’re flying in a dream but feel scared or see an object or obstacle in front of you, it may be that you feel something is holding you back or preventing you from accomplishing something you are attempting. “You feel that something is taking off but it’s not quite there yet,” said Anderson. “It could be a relationship or a job—it’s the details in the dream that really explore your feelings on a deeper level.”

37What does it mean when you dream that you miss your plane or train?

Man with luggage after missing train

If you miss a plane or train in your dream, leaving you standing on the platform or tarmac, it may be that you feel you are being weighed down by too many other commitments. “You may be taking on too much in your waking life in order to achieve the fulfillment you desire,” Wallace said about this symbol. “You can reach your goals more effectively by being more aware of your deeper priorities, and leaving unnecessary baggage behind. Listen to your own internal rhythms instead of constantly trying to beat the clock.”

38What does it mean when you dream that you call the wrong number?

Man on phone looking upset

Your subconscious might be feeling frustrated that you can’t connect with someone in your life the way you used to—and this may manifest itself in a dream in which you are dialing a wrong number. “This suggests that a logical way of communicating with someone, or a specific personal behavior used when being with a particular person, is not really working anymore,” said Wallace. “It is also experienced in dreams about computers or calculators where the dreamer keeps pressing the wrong buttons. This reflects that what they are doing in waking life just doesn’t really add up.”

39What does it mean when you dream that you’re naked in the middle of a crowd?

People walking on crowded city sidewalk

You’re standing in the middle of a crowd, at work, or in some other public place, and you’re completely naked. Though it’s a relief when you realize it’s just a dream, you might want to think about your feelings of vulnerability. “Being naked in public suggests that there is a situation in waking life that is making you feel vulnerable and exposed,” Wallace has advised. It might be time for you to take an improv class or seek another way to get comfortable opening up to others.

40What does it mean when you dream that you’re barefoot?

Woman walking barefoot up stairs

Just as being naked indicates vulnerability, having bare feet gets to a similar sense in your subconscious—but with a more direct connection to the steps you are taking in life. It can “indicate issues around how you are maneuvering through your current life choices,” Lennox explained. “If you are exposed to the elements, it leaves them vulnerable to injury. This can have a great impact on your journey and how you get to where you intend to go.”

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