
Want to win Leonard Cohen’s “magic writing cap?”

Well, all you have to do is bid big. Some of the late poet’s possessions are coming to auction later this February, via Julien’s LA-based auction house to the stars.

The treasures on offer mostly come from the collections of Aviva Layton, an old friend, and Anjani Thomas, “Cohen’s one-time romantic and creative partner.” You’d probably know the latter’s work. She provided back-up vocals on the original version of “Hallelujah.

Personal tchotchkes include notebooks, photographs, “explicit digital artwork,” I Ching coins, and a three page letter from the Suzanne. Especially hardcore fans can duke it out for a locket that includes a little piece of Leonard himself—a lock of hair.

But the crème de la crème in this collection of 164 items may be a Greek fisherman’s cap said to be imbued with magical powers.

Cohen’s magic hat.

Cohen called the modest (“black cotton”) chapeau most inspiring. In 1964 Cohen told the poet Irving Layton, “I’ve written all my early songs wearing this cap. I’m going to give it to you and you’ll be able to write songs and make a lot of money too.”

Now you could be so lucky, provided you have start-up funds for such an investment. The bidding for the black hat starts at $3000.

A vintage Polaroid, from Aviva Layton’s collection.

As Rolling Stone reports, memorabilia sales—rock-tions?—are fairly commonplace these days. And though it’s a little tawdry, it’s not hard to see the appeal. The idea of taking a little piece of the beloved home is a tradition predating history. And when a lady’s man dies, where’s a superfan’s love supposed to go?

We look for ways to claim a legend’s legends. Whether that’s their music, or their love letters.

The fact that Cohen was a famously private artist adds to the intrigue around his artifacts. After all, you can’t help but feel a little closer to a person once you’ve peeped their correspondence. I personally liked learning that he gave his stamp of approval to Dylan’s Blood on the Tracks, in 1975.

And though I don’t have the bread to contend for what’s apparently the only Cohen notebook in private hands—which includes snippets of his works-in-progress—I’d sure love to give it a once-over.

If you’re well-endowed enough to remember him well, get ready to wave those paddles high on February 28th. Bidding starts at 10:00am PST.

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